T3.6 USB Host - Bluetooth

Yeah a quick list of items is better than nothing - and way better than fighting the table risking breaking it.

I might get to Frank's T3tris - much easier to revive than pulling something from Due lib :) Would teach me about the actual use - though only a couple things to actually map.
To be honest Kurt never looked at t3n just t3 :( So I just decided to see if I can kludge it to work with a PS4. Got through all the changes and errors I got (just using SPI.transfer) - which is my kludge to start but stuck on the silliest error - probably because I am tired:
D:\Users\Merli\Documents\Arduino\Pacman-Arduino-Due-NESPAD\Pacman-Arduino-Due-NESPAD.ino:533:1: error: 'Playfield' does not name a type

 Playfield _game =  Playfield();;

No problem with the table - figured I better get it updated before I forgot or get sidetracked :)

Playfield is a class that is embedded in the sketch. Anyway I am attaching my changes if you want to check it out:
I don't see the class defined in any of your files.

I do see it in the sketch of the github project... Probably removed a little too much :D
/*   GAME - Playfield Class                                                   */

class Playfield

    Sprite _sprites[5];
    Sprite _BonusSprite; //Bonus
    byte _dotMap[(32/4)*(36-6)];
    GameState _state;
    long    _score;             // 7 digits of score
    long    _hiscore;             // 7 digits of score
    long    _lifescore;
    signed char    _scoreStr[8];
    signed char    _hiscoreStr[8];
    byte    _icons[14];         // Along bottom of screen
    ushort  _stateTimer;
    ushort  _frightenedTimer;
    byte    _frightenedCount;
    byte    _scIndex;           //
    ushort  _scTimer;           // next change of sc status  
    bool _inited;
    byte* _dirty;
    Playfield() : _inited(false)
        //  Swizzle palette TODO just fix in place
        byte * p = (byte*)_paletteW;
        for (int16_t i = 0; i < 16; i++)
            ushort w = _paletteW[i];    // Swizzle
            *p++ = w >> 8;
            *p++ = w;
    // Draw 2 bit BG into 8 bit icon tiles at bottom
    void DrawBG2(byte cx, byte cy, byte* tile)
        byte index=0;
        signed char b=0;
        index = _icons[cx >> 1];   // 13 icons across bottom
        if (index == 0)
        index <<= 2;                        // 4 tiles per icon

        b = (1-(cx&1)) + ((cy&1)<<1);  // Index of tile

        const byte* bg = pacman8x8x2 + ((b + index) << 4);
        const byte* palette = _paletteIcon2 + index;

        byte x = 16;
        while (x--)
            byte bits = (signed char)pgm_read_byte(bg++);
            byte i = 4;
            while (i--)
                tile[i] = pgm_read_byte(palette + (bits & 3));
                bits >>= 2;
            tile += 4;
    byte GetTile(int16_t cx, int16_t ty)
        if (_state != ReadyState && ty==20 && cx>10 && cx<17) return(0); //READY TEXT ZONE

        if (LEVEL%5==1) return pgm_read_byte(playMap1 + ty*28 + cx);
        if (LEVEL%5==2) return pgm_read_byte(playMap2 + ty*28 + cx);
        if (LEVEL%5==3) return pgm_read_byte(playMap3 + ty*28 + cx);
        if (LEVEL%5==4) return pgm_read_byte(playMap4 + ty*28 + cx);
        if (LEVEL%5==0) return pgm_read_byte(playMap5 + ty*28 + cx);

    // Draw 1 bit BG into 8 bit tile
    void DrawBG(byte cx, byte cy, byte* tile)
        if (cy >= 34) //DRAW ICONS BELLOW MAZE

        byte c = 11;
        if (LEVEL%8==1) c = 11; // Blue
        if (LEVEL%8==2) c = 12; // Green   
        if (LEVEL%8==3) c = 1;  // Red
        if (LEVEL%8==4) c = 9;  // Yellow
        if (LEVEL%8==5) c = 2;  // Brown
        if (LEVEL%8==6) c = 5;  // Cyan
        if (LEVEL%8==7) c = 3;  // Pink 
        if (LEVEL%8==0) c = 15; // White

        byte b = GetTile(cx,cy);
        const byte* bg;
        //  This is a little messy
        if (cy == 20 && cx >= 11 && cx < 17)
            if (DEMO==1 && ACTIVEBONUS==1) return;
            if ((_state != ReadyState && GAMEPAUSED != 1 && DEMO!=1) || ACTIVEBONUS==1) b = 0;  // hide 'READY!'
            else if (DEMO==1 && cx==11) b=0;
            else if (DEMO==1 && cx==12) b='D';
            else if (DEMO==1 && cx==13) b='E';
            else if (DEMO==1 && cx==14) b='M';
            else if (DEMO==1 && cx==15) b='O';
            else if (DEMO==1 && cx==16) b=0;
            else if (GAMEPAUSED==1 && cx==11) b='P';
            else if (GAMEPAUSED==1 && cx==12) b='A';
            else if (GAMEPAUSED==1 && cx==13) b='U';
            else if (GAMEPAUSED==1 && cx==14) b='S';
            else if (GAMEPAUSED==1 && cx==15) b='E';
            else if (GAMEPAUSED==1 && cx==16) b='D';
        else if (cy == 1)
            if (cx < 7)
                b = _scoreStr[cx];
            else if (cx >= 10 && cx < 17)
                b = _hiscoreStr[cx-10]; // HiScore
        } else {
            if (b == DOT || b == PILL)  // DOT==7 or PILL==16
                if (!GetDot(cx,cy))
                c = 14;
            if (b == PENGATE)
                c = 14;
        bg = playTiles + (b << 3);
        if (b >= '0')
            c = 15; // text is white
        for (byte y = 0; y < 8; y++)
            signed char bits = (signed char)pgm_read_byte(bg++);  ///WARNING CHAR MUST BE signed !!!
            byte x = 0;
            while (bits)
                if (bits < 0)
                    tile[x] = c;
                bits <<= 1;
            tile += 8;
    // Draw BG then all sprites in this cell
    void Draw(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, bool sprites)
        byte tile[8*8];
//      Fill with BG
        if (y == 20 && x >= 11 && x < 17 && DEMO==1 && ACTIVEBONUS==1)  return;

//      Overlay sprites
        x <<= 3;
        y <<= 3;
        if (sprites)
            for (byte i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            //AND BONUS
            if (ACTIVEBONUS) _BonusSprite.Draw8(x,y,tile);

//      Show sprite block
        #if 0
        for (byte i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            Sprite* s = _sprites + i;
            if (s->cx == (x>>3) && s->cy == (y>>3))
                for (byte j = 1; j < 7; j++)
                    tile[j*8] = tile[j*8+7] = 0;
        x += (240-224)/2;
        y += (320-288)/2;

//      Should be a direct Graphics call

        byte n = tile[0];
        byte i = 0;
        word color=(word)_paletteW[n];

#ifdef USE_ILI
       tft.drawIndexedmap(tile,x,y,8,8);  // Call Custom function in ILI9341_DUE.h library
#ifdef USE_VGA
       for (byte tmpY=0;tmpY<8;tmpY++) {
            word width=1;
            for (byte tmpX=0;tmpX<8;tmpX++) {

               n = tile[++i];
               word next_color=(word)_paletteW[n];
               if (x+tmpX>224+(240-224)/2) { break; }
               if (tmpX==7 && width==1 ) {VGA.drawPixel(x+tmpX, y+tmpY, color); color=next_color; width=0; }
               else if (tmpX==7 && width>1 ) { VGA.drawHLine( y+tmpY,x+tmpX-width+1, x+tmpX+1, color); color=next_color; width=0; }
               else if (color!=next_color && width==1) { VGA.drawPixel(x+tmpX, y+tmpY, color);  color=next_color; width=0; }
               else if (color!=next_color && width>1) { VGA.drawHLine( y+tmpY,x+tmpX-width+1, x+tmpX+1, color);  color=next_color; width=0; }


    boolean updateMap [36][28];
    //  Mark tile as dirty (should not need range checking here)
    void Mark(int16_t x, int16_t y, byte* m)
        x -= 4;
        y -= 4;

    void DrawAllBG()
        for (byte y = 0; y < 36; y++)
        for (byte x = 0; x < 28; x++) {
    //  Draw sprites overlayed on cells
    void DrawAll()
        byte* m = _dirty;

        //  Mark sprite old/new positions as dirty
        for (byte i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            Sprite* s = _sprites + i;


        // Mark BONUS sprite old/new positions as dirty
        Sprite* _s = &_BonusSprite;
        //  Animation
        for (byte i = 0; i < 5; i++)


        for (byte tmpY=0;tmpY<36;tmpY++){
          for (byte tmpX=0;tmpX<28;tmpX++){
            if (updateMap[tmpY][tmpX]==true) Draw(tmpX,tmpY,true);

    int16_t Chase(Sprite* s, int16_t cx, int16_t cy)
        while (cx < 0)      //  Tunneling
            cx += 28;
        while (cx >= 28)
            cx -= 28;
        byte t = GetTile(cx,cy);
        if (!(t == 0 || t == DOT || t == PILL || t == PENGATE))
            return 0x7FFF;
        if (t == PENGATE)
            if (s->who == PACMAN)
                return 0x7FFF;  // Pacman can't cross this to enter pen
            if (!(InPen(s->cx,s->cy) || s->state == DeadEyesState))
                return 0x7FFF;  // Can cross if dead or in pen trying to get out
        int16_t dx = s->tx-cx;
        int16_t dy = s->ty-cy;
        return (dx*dx + dy*dy);   // Distance to target
    void UpdateTimers()
        // Update scatter/chase selector, low bit of index indicates scatter
        if (_scIndex < 8)
            if (_scTimer-- == 0)
                byte duration = pgm_read_byte(_scatterChase + _scIndex++);
                _scTimer = duration*FPS;
        // BONUS timmer
        if (ACTIVEBONUS==0 && _BonusInactiveTimmer--==0) {
           _BonusActiveTimmer=BONUS_ACTIVE_TIME;  //5*FPS;
        if (ACTIVEBONUS==1 && _BonusActiveTimmer--==0) {
           _BonusInactiveTimmer=BONUS_INACTIVE_TIME;  //10*FPS;
        //  Release frightened ghosts
        if (_frightenedTimer && !--_frightenedTimer)
            for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                Sprite* s = _sprites + i;
                if (s->state == FrightenedState)
                    s->state = RunState;
                    s->dir = OppositeDirection(s->dir);
    //  Target closes pill, run from ghosts?
    void PacmanAI()
        Sprite* pacman;
        pacman = _sprites + PACMAN;
        //  Chase frightened ghosts
        Sprite* closestGhost = NULL;
        Sprite* frightenedGhost = NULL;
        Sprite* closestAttackingGhost = NULL;
        Sprite* DeadEyesStateGhost = NULL; 
        int16_t dist = 0x7FFF;
        int16_t closestfrightenedDist = 0x7FFF;
        int16_t closestAttackingDist = 0x7FFF;
        for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            Sprite* s = _sprites+i;
            int16_t d = s->Distance(pacman->cx,pacman->cy);
            if (d < dist)

                dist = d;
                if (s->state == FrightenedState ) {
                  frightenedGhost = s;
                  closestfrightenedDist = d;
                else {
                  closestAttackingGhost = s;
                  closestAttackingDist = d;
                closestGhost = s;

                if ( s->state == DeadEyesState ) DeadEyesStateGhost=s;


        if (DEMO==1 && !DeadEyesStateGhost && frightenedGhost )

        // Under threat; just avoid closest ghost
        if (DEMO==1 && !DeadEyesStateGhost && dist <= 32  && closestAttackingDist<closestfrightenedDist )
            if (dist <= 16) {
              pacman->Target( pacman->cx*2 - closestAttackingGhost->cx, pacman->cy*2 - closestAttackingGhost->cy);
            } else {
              pacman->Target( pacman->cx*2 - closestAttackingGhost->cx, pacman->cy*2 - closestAttackingGhost->cy);
        if (ACTIVEBONUS==1) {

        //  Go for the pill
        if (GetDot(1,6))
        else if (GetDot(26,6))
        else if (GetDot(1,26))
        else if (GetDot(26,26))
            // closest dot
            int16_t dist = 0x7FFF;
            for (byte y = 4; y < 32; y++)
                for (byte x = 1; x < 26; x++)
                    if (GetDot(x,y))
                        int16_t d = pacman->Distance(x,y);
                        if (d < dist)
                            dist = d;

            if (dist == 0x7FFF) {
               GAMEWIN=1; // No dots, GAME WIN!
    void Scatter(Sprite* s)
        const byte* st = _scatterTargets + (s->who << 1);
    void UpdateTargets()
        if (_state == ReadyState)
        Sprite* pacman = _sprites + PACMAN;
        //  Ghost AI
        bool scatter = _scIndex & 1;
        for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            Sprite* s = _sprites+i;
            //  Deal with returning ghost to pen
            if (s->state == DeadEyesState)
                if (s->cx == 14 && s->cy == 17) // returned to pen
                    s->state = PenState;        // Revived in pen
                    s->pentimer = 80;
                    s->Target(14,17);           // target pen
                continue;           // 
            //  Release ghost from pen when timer expires
            if (s->pentimer)
                if (--s->pentimer)  // stay in pen for awhile
                s->state = RunState;
            if (InPen(s->cx,s->cy))
                s->Target(14,14-2); // Get out of pen first
            } else {
                if (scatter || s->state == FrightenedState)
                    // Chase mode targeting
                    signed char tx = pacman->cx;
                    signed char ty = pacman->cy;
                    switch (s->who)
                        case PINKY:
                                const char* pto = _pinkyTargetOffset + ((pacman->dir-1)<<1);
                                tx += pgm_read_byte(pto);
                                ty += pgm_read_byte(pto+1);
                        case INKY:
                                const char* pto = _pinkyTargetOffset + ((pacman->dir-1)<<1);
                                Sprite* binky = _sprites + BINKY;
                                tx += pgm_read_byte(pto)>>1;
                                ty += pgm_read_byte(pto+1)>>1;
                                tx += tx - binky->cx;
                                ty += ty - binky->cy;
                        case CLYDE:
                                if (s->Distance(pacman->cx,pacman->cy) < 64)
                                    const byte* st = _scatterTargets + CLYDE*2;
                                    tx = pgm_read_byte(st);
                                    ty = pgm_read_byte(st+1);

    //  Default to current direction
    byte ChooseDir(int16_t dir, Sprite* s)
        int16_t choice[4];
        choice[0] = Chase(s,s->cx,s->cy-1);   // Up
        choice[1] = Chase(s,s->cx-1,s->cy);   // Left
        choice[2] = Chase(s,s->cx,s->cy+1);   // Down
        choice[3] = Chase(s,s->cx+1,s->cy);   // Right

        if (DEMO==0 && s->who == PACMAN && choice[0]<0x7FFF && but_UP) dir=MUp;
        else if (DEMO==0 && s->who == PACMAN && choice[1]<0x7FFF && but_LEFT) dir=MLeft;
        else if (DEMO==0 && s->who == PACMAN && choice[2]<0x7FFF && but_DOWN) dir=MDown;
        else if (DEMO==0 && s->who == PACMAN && choice[3]<0x7FFF && but_RIGHT) dir=MRight; 
        else if (DEMO==0 && choice[0]<0x7FFF && s->who == PACMAN && dir==MUp) dir=MUp;
        else if (DEMO==0 && choice[1]<0x7FFF && s->who == PACMAN && dir==MLeft) dir=MLeft;
        else if (DEMO==0 && choice[2]<0x7FFF && s->who == PACMAN && dir==MDown) dir=MDown;
        else if (DEMO==0 && choice[3]<0x7FFF && s->who == PACMAN && dir==MRight) dir=MRight;
        else if ((DEMO==0 && s->who != PACMAN) || DEMO==1 ) {

        // Don't choose opposite of current direction?

        int16_t dist = choice[4-dir]; // favor current direction
        byte opposite = OppositeDirection(dir);
        for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++)    
            byte d = 4-i;
            if ((d != opposite && choice[i] < dist) || (s->who == PACMAN && PACMANFALLBACK &&  choice[i] < dist))
                if (s->who == PACMAN && PACMANFALLBACK) PACMANFALLBACK=0;
                dist = choice[i];
                dir = d;

        } else  {

        return dir;
    bool InPen(byte cx, byte cy)
        if (cx <= 10 || cx >= 18) return false;
        if (cy <= 14 || cy >= 18) return false;
            return true;
    byte GetSpeed(Sprite* s)
        if (s->who == PACMAN)
            return _frightenedTimer ? 90 : 80;
        if (s->state == FrightenedState)
            return 40;
        if (s->state == DeadEyesState)
            return 100;
        if (s->cy == 17 && (s->cx <= 5 || s->cx > 20))
            return 40;  // tunnel
        return 75;

    void PackmanDied() {  // Noooo... PACMAN DIED :(
      if (LIFES<=0) {
      } else {
        _inited = true;
        _state = ReadyState;
        _stateTimer = FPS/2;
        _frightenedCount = 0;
        _frightenedTimer = 0;
        const byte* s = _initSprites;
        for (int16_t i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            _sprites[i].Init(s + i*5);
        _scIndex = 0;
        _scTimer = 1;

        //AND BONUS
        _BonusSprite.Init(s + 5*5);

        for (byte i=0;i<ACTUALBONUS;i++) {
          _icons[13-i] = BONUSICON+i; 

        for (byte i=0;i<LIFES;i++) {
          _icons[0+i] = PACMANICON; 
        //Draw LIFE and BONUS Icons
        for (byte y = 34; y<36; y++)
          for (byte x = 0; x < 28; x++) {

    void MoveAll()

        //  Update game state
        if (_stateTimer)
            if (--_stateTimer <= 0)
                switch (_state)
                    case ReadyState:
                        _state = PlayState;
                        _dirty[20*4 + 1] |= 0x1F;  // Clear 'READY!'
                        _dirty[20*4 + 2] |= 0x80;
                        for (byte tmpX=11;tmpX<17;tmpX++) Draw(tmpX,20,false); // ReDraw (clear) 'READY' position
                    case DeadGhostState:
                        _state = PlayState;
                        for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                            Sprite* s = _sprites + i;
                            if (s->state == DeadNumberState)
                                s->state = DeadEyesState;
            } else {
                if (_state == ReadyState)
        for (byte i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            Sprite* s = _sprites + i;
            //  In DeadGhostState, only eyes move
            if (_state == DeadGhostState && s->state != DeadEyesState)
            //  Calculate speed
            s->_speed += GetSpeed(s);
            if (s->_speed < 100)
            s->_speed -= 100;
            s->lastx = s->_x;
            s->lasty = s->_y;
            int16_t x = s->_x;
            int16_t y = s->_y;

            if ((x & 0x7) == 0 && (y & 0x7) == 0)   // cell aligned
                s->dir = ChooseDir(s->dir,s);       // time to choose another direction 
            switch (s->dir)
                case MLeft:     x -= SPEED; break;
                case MRight:    x += SPEED; break;
                case MUp:       y -= SPEED; break;
                case MDown:     y += SPEED; break;
                case MStopped:  break;
            //  Wrap x because of tunnels
            while (x < 0)
                x += 224;
            while (x >= 224)
                x -= 224;
            s->_x = x;
            s->_y = y;
            s->cx = (x + 4) >> 3;
            s->cy = (y + 4) >> 3;
            if (s->who == PACMAN)
        //  Collide
        Sprite* pacman = _sprites + PACMAN;

        //  Collide with BONUS
       Sprite* _s = &_BonusSprite;
       if (ACTIVEBONUS==1 && _s->cx == pacman->cx && _s->cy == pacman->cy)
           if (ACTUALBONUS>7) {
               if (LIFES<MAXLIFES) LIFES++;

            //reset all icons
            for (byte i=0;i<LIFES;i++) {
                _icons[0+i] = PACMANICON; 

       for (byte i=0;i<ACTUALBONUS;i++) {
           _icons[13-i] = BONUSICON+i;

         //REDRAW LIFE and BONUS icons
        for (byte y = 34; y<36; y++)
            for (byte x = 0; x < 28; x++) {

        for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            Sprite* s = _sprites + i;
            //if (s->cx == pacman->cx && s->cy == pacman->cy)
            if (s->_x+SPEED >= pacman->_x && s->_x-SPEED <= pacman->_x && s->_y+SPEED >= pacman->_y && s->_y-SPEED <= pacman->_y) 

                if (s->state == FrightenedState)
                    s->state = DeadNumberState;     // Killed a ghost
                    _state = DeadGhostState;
                    Score((1 << _frightenedCount)*100);
                else {               // pacman died
                    if (s->state == DeadNumberState || s->state == FrightenedState || s->state == DeadEyesState) {
                    } else {
    //  Mark a position dirty
    void Mark(int16_t pos)
        for (byte tmp=0;tmp<28;tmp++)
    void SetScoreChar(byte i, signed char c)
        if (_scoreStr[i] == c)
        _scoreStr[i] = c;
        Mark(i+32);    //Score  
        //Mark(i+32+10); //HiScore

    void SetHiScoreChar(byte i, signed char c)
        if (_hiscoreStr[i] == c)
        _hiscoreStr[i] = c;
        //Mark(i+32);    //Score  
        Mark(i+32+10); //HiScore
    void Score(int16_t delta)
        char str[8];
        _score += delta;
        if (DEMO==0 && _score> _hiscore) _hiscore=_score;

        if (_score > _lifescore && _score%10000 > 0) {
          _lifescore=(_score/10000 + 1) * 10000;
          LIFES++; // EVERY 10000 points = 1UP   

        for (byte i=0;i<LIFES;i++) {
          _icons[0+i] = PACMANICON; 

        //REDRAW LIFE and BONUS icons
        for (byte y = 34; y<36; y++)
          for (byte x = 0; x < 28; x++) {
        byte i = 7-strlen(str);
        byte j = 0;
        while (i < 7)
        i = 7-strlen(str);
        j = 0;
        while (i < 7)
    bool GetDot(byte cx, byte cy)
        return _dotMap[(cy-3)*4 + (cx >> 3)] & (0x80 >> (cx & 7));
    void EatDot(byte cx, byte cy)
        if (!GetDot(cx,cy))
        byte mask = 0x80 >> (cx & 7);
        _dotMap[(cy-3)*4 + (cx >> 3)] &= ~mask;
        byte t = GetTile(cx,cy);
        if (t == PILL)
            _frightenedTimer = 10*FPS;
            _frightenedCount = 0;
            for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                Sprite* s = _sprites+i;
                if (s->state == RunState)
                    s->state = FrightenedState;
                    s->dir = OppositeDirection(s->dir);
    void Init()
        if (GAMEWIN==1) {
        } else {
            ACTUALBONUS=0;  //actual bonus icon
            ACTIVEBONUS=0;  //status of bonus 

            _score = 0;

            _scoreStr[5] = _scoreStr[6] = '0';
       _inited = true;
       _state = ReadyState;
       _stateTimer = FPS/2;
       _frightenedCount = 0;
       _frightenedTimer = 0;
       const byte* s = _initSprites;
       for (int16_t i = 0; i < 5; i++)
           _sprites[i].Init(s + i*5);

       //AND BONUS
       _BonusSprite.Init(s + 5*5);

       _scIndex = 0;
       _scTimer = 1;

       // SET BONUS icons
       for (byte i=0;i<ACTUALBONUS;i++) {
         _icons[13-i] = BONUSICON+i; 

       // SET Lifes icons
       for (byte i=0;i<LIFES;i++) {
          _icons[0+i] = PACMANICON; 

       //Draw LIFE and BONUS Icons
       for (byte y = 34; y<36; y++)
         for (byte x = 0; x < 28; x++) {

       //  Init dots from rom
       byte* map = _dotMap;
       for (byte y = 3; y < 36-3; y++) // 30 interior lines
           for (byte x = 0; x < 28; x++)
               byte t = GetTile(x,y);
               if (t == 7 || t == 14)
                   byte s = x&7;
                   map[x>>3] |= (0x80 >> s);
           map += 4;
    void Step()
        int16_t keys=0;
        if (GAMEWIN==1){

        // Start GAME
        if (but_START && DEMO==1 && GAMEPAUSED==0) {
        } else if (but_START && DEMO==0 && GAMEPAUSED==0) { // Or PAUSE GAME
           GAMEPAUSED = 1;

        if (GAMEPAUSED && but_START && DEMO==0) {
           GAMEPAUSED = 0;
           for (byte tmpX=11;tmpX<17;tmpX++) Draw(tmpX,20,false);

        // Reset / Start GAME
        if (but_SELECT) {
        } else if (!_inited) {
        // Create a bitmap of dirty tiles
        byte m[(32/8)*36]; // 144 bytes
        _dirty = m;

        if (!GAMEPAUSED) MoveAll(); // IF GAME is PAUSED STOP ALL

        if ((ACTIVEBONUS==0 && DEMO==1) || GAMEPAUSED == 1 ) for (byte tmpX=11;tmpX<17;tmpX++) Draw(tmpX,20,false); // Draw 'PAUSED' or 'DEMO' text
@KurtE - yep - you are right deleted too much :). Just couldn't see last night for the life of me. Once I put it back in it compiled and uploaded to the T3.6 no problem. But having another problem

I hook up a ili9341 to the T3.6 and ran graphics test but the screw stayed white - changed out the 3.6 with a 3.5 and of course graphics test worked...

So what I am missing with using a T3.6 instead of the T3.5?
I hook up a ili9341 to the T3.6 and ran graphics test but the screw stayed white - changed out the 3.6 with a 3.5 and of course graphics test worked...

So what I am missing with using a T3.6 instead of the T3.5?
Which Screw? ;) At times I have had issues with some displays if I did not setup a reset line to an IO pin. Probably something to do with startup timing... When I put the code back in last night, it still did not compile, but then I was trying to compile for T4 beta and the mapping of pin to register and mask does not compile as need 32 bit values for register...

I been playing around this morning and after your comment on the T4 I managed to get it to compile. If you want a distraction.

EDIT: For the connections LED/VCC go to 5v and RST goes to 3.3v?


  • Pacman-Arduino-Due-NESPAD.zip
    186.4 KB · Views: 62
Just found an MSI 3X Star Key Bt Dongle - full size :) - With install CD dated 2005. With WiFi Anti-Interference and 3Mbps and 100 M transmission distance, connects up to 7 Bt devices.
manufacturer: Broadcom Corp
product: BCM92045DG Non-UHE
BDADDR: 11:71:da:7d:1a:0
I have not pulled the latest code - that T_3.6 from last post still running and before I swapped the PS3 controller connected and worked. It showed that Dongle leave and the arrival of this one.
Funny it has a little book - 8 pages of English … and then 15 other languages.
JUST SAW:: Label on the device showing :: BD Addr : 000272cbc65c

Did USB associate with this:
PS3 Pairing Request - Attempt pair to: 11:71:da:7d:1a:0
Pairing complete (I hope), make sure Bluetooth adapter is plugged in and try PS3 without USB
It does not seem to want to connect on Bt. 3 times T_3.6 reset and replug MSI Dongle.

<EDIT> :: gubgub: I put back the last paired PS3 Dongle used the last couple days - and the PS3 controller connects with that. It seems the PS3 Associate doesn't work to 'Change' Association?
Just swapped Dongle (CSR 4.0) and PS3 connected with no T_3.6 reset.
Problem was static Bt addr. … see post #407
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Follow up to p#406: Reset and plugged {0 addr } and replugged MSI Bt Dongle:
*** Device Bluet a5c:2101 - connected ***
manufacturer: Broadcom Corp
product: BCM92045DG Non-UHE
BDADDR: 5c:c6:cb:72:2:0
So it is getting the right address - old code has it inverted.

Back to PS3 USB - Indeed it works as soon as cable was unplugged it IS associated to new DONGLE
PS3 Pairing Request - Attempt pair to: 5c:c6:cb:72:2:0
Pairing complete (I hope), make sure Bluetooth adapter is plugged in and try PS3 without USB
Yes the old code was displaying LSB to MSB order, hopefully now correct order. You can always also try plugging it into PC and go to device manager and see what address it shows.
The interesting thing was that a very old Bt Device - ideally MSI was name brand - appears to be usable.

I only noted swapped order - saying I saw it was addressed - and correctly needed to be - and I'm knowingly not running the current code yet … ummm … yeah long term testing so I couldn't update yet.

Odd that swapping Bt didn't register PS3 with new address - and that Bt recognized and often with Zero addr - maybe that was fixed too?
The PS3 code had the bytes setup in the order needed, there really was not any code behavior change, only the display code was changed.
oppps ... that went off the tracks a couple posts :)

Yes, PS3 was working before and still with old code. Understood it was only displayed value, meant just to acknowledge displayed byte order as shown was known old code, and when reversed it matches device label.

Just odd the Bt connects and sometimes shows 0 addr in printed msg. But - IIRC - that was noted in orginal post that may need dongle replug to get the true number.

Didn't download update yet ... Doing a hardware test of another sort … ethernet over powerline through house wires and then 100 ft of 12 awg extension cord then through 100 ft of outdoor ethernet to laptop USB adapter. Getting green 'signal good' light now with NOOB box units. Installed another set that went 150 ft over two ext cords and it worked for months but was on the edge given red 'signal compromised' LED.
Just found an MSI 3X Star Key Bt Dongle - full size :) - With install CD dated 2005. With WiFi Anti-Interference and 3Mbps and 100 M transmission distance, connects up to 7 Bt devices.


Looks like an interesting dongle but don't think its available anymore. Check a couple of places too bad.
Yes looks interesting. Probably the longest range one I have (I think), is the one by H Guard which supposed to go something like 20m (although it looks like all of the others...)
*** Device Bluet a12:1 - connected ***
  product: CSR8510 A10
  BDADDR: 0:1a:7d:da:71:13
Like one labeled ZEXMTE:
*** Device Bluet a12:1 - connected ***
  product: CSR8510 A10
  BDADDR: 0:1a:7d:da:71:13
Likewise one with CSR 4.0 marked on it?

Another one actually has different address:
*** Device Bluet a12:1 - connected ***
  product: CSR8510 A10
  BDADDR: 0:1a:7d:da:71:11

The technet one is the only one that shows up pretty different:
** Device Bluet a5c:21e8 - connected ***
  manufacturer: Broadcom Corp
  product: BCM20702A0
  Serial: 0019860023AA
  BDADDR: 0:19:86:0:23:aa

Other than the real oldy one I found sitting around from ???
*** Device Bluet c10:0 - connected ***
  manufacturer: SiW
  product: SiW
  Serial: A643F1EF1300
  BDADDR: 0:13:ef:f1:43:a6

Would be interesting to see if others have some of these similar ones which all have the same BDADDR?

@mjs513 - How is the game coming?

Stuck on the display - can't get the display working anymore. Tried t3n and adafruit no joy. Works fine on the T3.5 though. Maybe I screwed something up with the display. Did test SPI on the T$ by reading a sdcard so pretty sure SPI is working. So instead went to IKEA with the wife and picked up a new kitchen table and chairs yesterday so you can imagine how my back feels. :)

Once I know the display works I will try the game again.
Looks like an interesting dongle but don't think its available anymore. Check a couple of places too bad.

Yeah - wasn't figuring it was one anyone else would/could buy - just saw it on a shelf and figured for general use I'd try it to show that even one more olde schoole adapter was found to work.

It was back in the day - elaborate cardboard box (5.5x5.5x1 3/8 inches) with an inner carrier and book and pamphlet and as noted it is a bit bigger than a typical FLASH drive. Not like the new ones that are molded in plastic shells with nothing but a card showing minor details. I need to wipe it with alcohol - the plastic/rubber finish is tacky ... didn't realize how long they had been using that covering. Also unlike the tiny dongles this large one had the BDADDR printed on a sticker attached to the large thing.

@KurtE - did that 2nd device really have the same BDADDR? With a Teensy reset before plugging? That is odd.
@mjs513 - So it was failing on T3.6. Might have to wire up a T3.6 or the 4 beta and try it out again.

Right now I think I will punt for awhile on XBox One BT stuff..

Hope your back feels better! Yesterday got back our Wood chipper attachment for tractor... Took them several months to get parts and fix... So hopefully sometime today will connect it up to tractor and see if it really works.

@defragster - Yes it looked like maybe a couple of them may have the same address. Will retry again later. They probably all our cheap clones of another one and maybe did not bother to change the address.
@KurtE - failing on both the T3.6 and the T4 and I know I had it working on the T4 beta, which is frustrating :) Can't find my backup display, but have another one coming tomorrow so just in a hold pattern until it gets here.

Don't blame you on the XBOX stuff - that is taking on a life of its own :)

Thanks - been taking advin and feeling better as long as I don't do anything else to aggravate it :). Oh boy, don't envy you getting the woodchipper attached - at least it will be fun if it works.
@mjs513 - I have an ILI9341 display hooked up to T3.6 Right now my Adafruit_ILI9341 library is not compiling as it is trying to use the current one installed by library manager and it tried to use the GFX installed by Teensyduino instead of the one installed by Library manager and the two are not compatible...

But ILI9341_t3n is working, the Pacman code is not showing anything ...

Hopefully you are feeling better.

I did get the chipper on :D But it was a pain in ... It can be a real pain to get the PTO unit to connect to tractor... Did a little chipping, but now time to let the hernia rest for awhile.
@KurtE - just woke up :)

Thanks for checking that the display works with the T3.6. Has to be something with the one I have. Anyway - yeah you have to use the latest Adafruit ILI9341 and GFX libraries to get it work. The ones installed with Teensyduino never worked. Think I mentioned that a few times in the other thread. The issue with GFX is that you get a warning about PROGMEM being redefined.

RE the PACMAN code - did you tryi the last one I posted - I made a bunch more changes :) Hopefully I will get the new displays tomorrow and give it them a try. I left the wiring all set so its ready to go. I hate waiting.

Better but every muscle hurts but I think you know that feeling fighting with the chipper. Nothing is ever easy.

The only good news is that I finally got my ili9488 modules from China today. Have to figure out where we are on that and give it a try.
@mjs513, I thought I would play a little and I commented out the ili9341_due.h and .cpp files in your sketch and included ili9341_t3n and tried building. Had to update a rotation value and I see one function missing from ili9341_t3n that is in the due version: drawIndexedmap

So looking to see how hard it would be to migrate it, either into my own _t3n or stand alone with the app.

Or convert over to stuff I already have? Still figuring out how this function actually works...
@mjs513 [If I read right a few posts back?] - I got a pjrc display that went all white ( this is about the 10th repost ) - PJRC kindly replaced it. Then knowing it was waste I was taking out the resistors per the display page to use the SD and that post also said close J1. After I closed J1 the display worked - it seemed to bypass the onboard voltage regulator - or what ever it was - and the display was perfect after that. Not sure why it works well on 3.6 and total fail on 3.6? - but if running at only 3.3V closing J1 should cause no harm AFAIK.

Got my other project installed so might get back to Teensy soon. Ethernet from house over power to 100ft cord to other power to ethernet box then 100ft of cat7 to boxed router outside for wireless transmit.
Ah, have to confess - hooked up the ILI9488 to the T3.6 and it worked out of the box with the connections that in the other thread - no changes. This is the same unit that @defragster has. Now for the confession on the ili9341. After the ILI9488 I realized that I had the LED attached to the 5V pin on the T3.6, moved it over to the 3.3v and it worked fine - the screwyness was me.

Well, anyway that's good news about the only one function - drawIndexedmap is missing. Looked at it in the beginning and think what was throwing me more was the dma calls. Never really used DMA so guess you guys are going to be dragging me to DMA :) Now to go play

@defragster - posts crossed - think you saw my confession - my mess up. Future not to self not to do that any more :)
@mjs513 - That would explain the display problem and difference between 3.5 and 3.6 - doH!

Bummer we haven't gotten anywhere with a known good 9488 display. I just saw Paul post his MISO TriState test link - I'll do that on the otherwise good 9488's I got - where I just cut the MISO on one OSH Purple and touch went working. It won't fix them - but will confirm what I did was needed and makes the display read only. Though with that CUT KurtE's 9488 code did show 'something unique' for values on his sketch w/T_3.6 - maybe garbage??? Never saw display work on T$ yet with my display - though it is Touch responsive … though I never got back to my frustration over my Touch Lib mod not integrating yet.
@mjs513 and @defragster

I hacked up the code to use my library. Hacked up a local copy of the missing draw function and have it building.

Note: I think I left in a Serial1.begin(2000000), which can be removed.

But If I run it, with now a PS3 paired, it looks like it waits for joystick, when I hit PS, I see the packman running around the board :D



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    146.5 KB · Views: 52
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