T4.1 - using PSRAM chip as RAM

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I've tried searching the forum on this specific question for the last 40 mins but didn't come to an answer...

I was wondering if it would be possible to allocate the 8Mb PSRAM chip to the system RAM without having to actually define in code where the variables are initialised?
I'm using the LVGL graphics library and it's a bit heavy on RAM with what I am trying to do with it, and when I compile it, it require 620kb of RAM. Is there a way for the complier to automatically overflow RAM requirement onto the PSRAM chip?

btw I mentioned RAM in this post 7 times :p
NINE - if you count the RAM in PSRAM.

There is no provision to initialize or extend 'onboard RAM' directly onto the PSRAM chip. It is off chip and in non-contiguous address space - and runs not at CPU clock speed - but some clock cycles slower unless it is cached.

Using EXTMEM will provide a pointer to PSRAM RAM - search for that perhaps to see examples, like this post :: psram-with-qspi-flash-on-teensy-4-1

I opened a thread over at the LVGL forum and after some help there we realised the images I was loading was being stored in RAM and not in Flash, so I am making a modification to change that - which should free up a lot of the RAM I was using.
But, I will utilise the post you linked me to in order to increase the memory buffer LVGL uses and point it to the PSRAM - it might help with loading more objects on to make transitions on the screen smoother.
Moving that image data from RAM to FLASH would be using:
[URL="https://www.pjrc.com/store/teensy40.html"]PROGMEM Variables[/URL] - Variables defined with "PROGMEM" are placed only in the flash memory. They can be accessed normally.
Moving that image data from RAM to FLASH would be using:
[URL="https://www.pjrc.com/store/teensy40.html"]PROGMEM Variables[/URL] - Variables defined with "PROGMEM" are placed only in the flash memory. They can be accessed normally.

Yep, that's exactly what was suggested to me. I applied that to both the image and to all of my font files. I went from 126% usage of RAM down to 60%!
It was also suggested that I could move some heavy functions into flash, and I might do so if performance isn't impacted much:

myReturnType PROGMEM MyFunction( MyParameters ) {

     Code for Function....


If I want to address my code to PSRAM, so I just tell it to start from address 0x70000000? Or do I need to initialise and allocate a buffer first to external RAM such as
uint8_t gui_buff[1024 * 1024] EXTMEM;
For CODE run from FLASH best to use :: FLASHMEM
myReturnType FLASHMEM MyFunction( MyParameters ) {

     Code for Function....


That is new and not yet shown on the T_4.0 memory page linked above - Compile/Link has a problem when FLASHMEM and PROGMEM are used in the same compile unit when one is CODE and the other DATA

<edit> : EXTMEM will never be initialized - it will just be a 'pointer' to space for use. Do a forum search and there should be other examples of use. I played with it before that was a thing and had to manually do the address. The EXTMEM is now in the linker '.ld' file and AFAIK allows allocation based on var/struct sizes to allocate sequentially/incrementally just like normal RAM/FLASH - but it will always be uninitialized as there is no copy from flash or other mechanism for that.
I would never say never ;)

There are comments in cores\teeny4\startup.c:
		// TODO: zero uninitialized EXTMEM variables
		// TODO: copy from flash to initialize EXTMEM variables
		// TODO: set up for malloc_extmem()

@PaulStoffregen - It one point we were going to add something like the malloc like you show in startup.c...

Awhile ago I experimented some with doing some of this.. Example sketch:
#define COUNT_ALLOC 1250000

#if defined(ARDUINO_TEENSY41)
extern "C" {
  extern uint8_t external_psram_size;
uint8_t *extmem_next_free = nullptr;  // set in startup NULL if we don't have external memory

uint8_t *malloc_extmem(size_t cb_alloc) {
  if (!extmem_next_free) extmem_next_free = 0x70000000l + (uint32_t)(external_psram_size * 1048576);
        // lets allocate and return on 16 byte boundaries.
        uint8_t *ret_val = (uint8_t *)((uint32_t)(extmem_next_free - cb_alloc) & 0xfffffff0);

  // BUGBUG only comparing that we run of EXTERNAL memory not that we overrun pre allocated
  if (ret_val < 0x70000000l) return nullptr;
  extmem_next_free = ret_val;
  return ret_val;
uint8_t *malloc_extmem(size_t cb_alloc) {
  return nullptr;
void free_extmem(char *p) {
  // we don't do any free yet

extern uint8_t *malloc_extmem(size_t cb_alloc);

uint16_t *buffer1;
uint16_t *buffer2;
uint16_t *buffer3;

uint8_t *buffer_eat_upper_8mb = nullptr;
void setup() {
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
  while (!Serial && millis() < 4000) ;

#if defined(ARDUINO_TEENSY41)
  Serial.printf("External PSRAM size: %d\n", external_psram_size);
//  if (external_psram_size == 16) buffer_eat_upper_8mb = malloc_extmem(1024*1024*8);
  buffer1 = (uint16_t*)malloc_extmem(COUNT_ALLOC * sizeof(uint16_t));
  buffer2 = (uint16_t*)malloc_extmem(COUNT_ALLOC * sizeof(uint16_t));
  buffer3 = (uint16_t*)malloc_extmem(COUNT_ALLOC * sizeof(uint16_t));
  Serial.printf("Eat: %x B1:%x B2:%x B3: %x\n", (uint32_t)buffer_eat_upper_8mb, (uint32_t)buffer1, (uint32_t)buffer2, (uint32_t)buffer3);
  if (!buffer1 || !buffer2 || !buffer3) {
    Serial.println("Failed to allocate external memory");
    for (;;) {
      digitalWrite(13, !digitalRead(13));

uint32_t loop_count = 0;
void loop() {
  digitalWrite(13, !digitalRead(13));
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < COUNT_ALLOC; i++) {
    buffer1[i] = i & 0xffff;
    buffer2[i] = loop_count & 0xffff;
    buffer3[i] = buffer1[i] ^ buffer2[i];
    if (buffer_eat_upper_8mb)buffer_eat_upper_8mb[i] = loop_count + i ;
  uint32_t error_count = 0;
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < COUNT_ALLOC; i++) {
    if ((buffer1[i] != (i & 0xffff)) || (buffer2[i] != (loop_count & 0xffff)) || (buffer3[i] != (buffer1[i] ^ buffer2[i]))) {
      if (error_count < 5) Serial.printf("%u %x %x %x\n", i, buffer1[i], buffer2[i], buffer3[i]);
  Serial.printf("Pass %d error count: %d\n", loop_count, error_count);

Again as mentioned in previous threads, it would be also good to have the ability to malloc (or heapAlloc or ???) also out of DTCM for those sketches that don't use all of it as it is faster and for DMA makes it nice that you don't have to worry about flush/delete... the cache to work well with DMA...
Yes, Controlled heap alloc from DTCM and ERAM would both be cool.

For :: // TODO: set up for malloc_extmem()

With edit to imxrt1062_t42.ld could the compile allocated size of EXTMEM be published like for itcm, then the ERAM_heap size would be known:

Using .bss.extram from:
	.bss.extram (NOLOAD) : {
	} > ERAM

	_seram = ADDR(.bss.extram);
	_eeram = ADDR(.bss.extram) + SIZEOF(.bss.extram);
@Paul and @defragster -

As you mentioned, we could probably know the size of what was previously allocated... But at the time I did the above sketch with a quick and dirty implementation of malloc_extmem(), we were in the release cycle for Teensyduino, and I knew the chances of getting a change to a load script was not high... I figured we might do that if/when we do the zero and copy portions of the todo...

But I also wondered if we are talking about initialized portions of EXTMEM, of why we don't do that today with DMAMEM section?
Seems to work adding to ...\hardware\teensy\avr\cores\teensy4\imxrt1062_t41.ld:
	_seram = ADDR(.bss.extram);
	_eeram = ADDR(.bss.extram) + SIZEOF(.bss.extram);

And edited code p#7 below shows either with #if 0 small EXTMEM:
T:\tCode\RAM\KurtE_ERAM_Alloc\KurtE_ERAM_Alloc.ino Sep 15 2020 13:27:40
ERAM start==0x70000000	 end==0x70000800
EXTMEM 	 fluff==0x70000000[size=400]	 fluff2==0x70000400[size=400]
External PSRAM size: 16
Eat: 70800000 B1:7059da60 B2:7033b4c0 B3: 700d8f20
Pass 1 error count: 0
Pass 2 error count: 0

or #if 1 larger EXTMEM:
T:\tCode\RAM\KurtE_ERAM_Alloc\KurtE_ERAM_Alloc.ino Sep 15 2020 13:27:56
ERAM start==0x70000000	 end==0x70002000
EXTMEM 	 fluff==0x70000000[size=1000]	 fluff2==0x70001000[size=1000]
External PSRAM size: 16
Eat: 70800000 B1:7059da60 B2:7033b4c0 B3: 700d8f20
Pass 1 error count: 0
Pass 2 error count: 0

> Not getting error in code - not sure when that might happen
> this was just proof of concept tracking the EXTMEM alloc - got rid of warnings on fixed 0x70000000l usage - no promise it is right
Here with edits:
#define COUNT_ALLOC 1250000

#if defined(ARDUINO_TEENSY41)
extern "C" {
  extern uint8_t external_psram_size;
uint8_t *extmem_next_free = nullptr;  // set in startup NULL if we don't have external memory
[B]extern unsigned long _seram;
extern unsigned long _eeram;
[/B]uint8_t *malloc_extmem(size_t cb_alloc) {
  if (!extmem_next_free) extmem_next_free = (uint8_t *)&[B]_seram [/B]+ (uint32_t)(external_psram_size * 1048576);
        // lets allocate and return on 16 byte boundaries.
        uint8_t *ret_val = (uint8_t *)((uint32_t)(extmem_next_free - cb_alloc) & 0xfffffff0);

  // BUGBUG only comparing that we run of EXTERNAL memory not that we overrun pre allocated
  if (ret_val < (uint8_t *)&[B]_eeram[/B]) return nullptr;
  extmem_next_free = ret_val;
  return ret_val;
uint8_t *malloc_extmem(size_t cb_alloc) {
  return nullptr;
void free_extmem(char *p) {
  // we don't do any free yet

extern uint8_t *malloc_extmem(size_t cb_alloc);

uint16_t *buffer1;
uint16_t *buffer2;
uint16_t *buffer3;

[B]#if 1
EXTMEM uint32_t fluff[1024];
EXTMEM uint32_t fluff2[1024];
EXTMEM uint32_t fluff[256];
EXTMEM uint32_t fluff2[256];

uint8_t *buffer_eat_upper_8mb = nullptr;
void setup() {
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
  while (!Serial && millis() < 4000 );
  Serial.println("\n" __FILE__ " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__);
[B]  Serial.printf( "ERAM start==0x%x\t end==0x%x\n", &_seram, &_eeram );
  Serial.printf( "EXTMEM \t fluff==0x%x[size=%x]\t fluff2==0x%x[size=%x]\n", fluff, sizeof(fluff), fluff2, sizeof(fluff2) );[/B]

#if defined(ARDUINO_TEENSY41)
  Serial.printf("External PSRAM size: %d\n", external_psram_size);
  if (external_psram_size == 16) buffer_eat_upper_8mb = malloc_extmem(1024*1024*8);
  buffer1 = (uint16_t*)malloc_extmem(COUNT_ALLOC * sizeof(uint16_t));
  buffer2 = (uint16_t*)malloc_extmem(COUNT_ALLOC * sizeof(uint16_t));
  buffer3 = (uint16_t*)malloc_extmem(COUNT_ALLOC * sizeof(uint16_t));
  Serial.printf("Eat: %x B1:%x B2:%x B3: %x\n", (uint32_t)buffer_eat_upper_8mb, (uint32_t)buffer1, (uint32_t)buffer2, (uint32_t)buffer3);
  if (!buffer1 || !buffer2 || !buffer3) {
    Serial.println("Failed to allocate external memory");
    for (;;) {
      digitalWrite(13, !digitalRead(13));

uint32_t loop_count = 0;
void loop() {
  digitalWrite(13, !digitalRead(13));
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < COUNT_ALLOC; i++) {
    buffer1[i] = i & 0xffff;
    buffer2[i] = loop_count & 0xffff;
    buffer3[i] = buffer1[i] ^ buffer2[i];
    if (buffer_eat_upper_8mb)buffer_eat_upper_8mb[i] = loop_count + i ;
  uint32_t error_count = 0;
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < COUNT_ALLOC; i++) {
    if ((buffer1[i] != (i & 0xffff)) || (buffer2[i] != (loop_count & 0xffff)) || (buffer3[i] != (buffer1[i] ^ buffer2[i]))) {
      if (error_count < 5) Serial.printf("%u %x %x %x\n", i, buffer1[i], buffer2[i], buffer3[i]);
  Serial.printf("Pass %d error count: %d\n", loop_count, error_count);

With two tiny single byte fluffs:
ERAM start==0x70000000 end==0x70000002
EXTMEM fluff==0x70000000 fluff2==0x70000001

With no fluff:
T:\tCode\RAM\KurtE_ERAM_Alloc\KurtE_ERAM_Alloc.ino Sep 15 2020 14:07:40
ERAM start==0x70000000 end==0x70000000
Last edited:
Realized any big failure would render the rest of EXTMEM LOST after a single large failure, so when nullptr is returned on large alloc, undo the ptr* change that alloc would have used.

Added some test in loop() to ask for block4's in decreasing size until they fail.
output looks like this - numbers look funny?:
T:\tCode\RAM\KurtE_ERAM_Alloc\KurtE_ERAM_Alloc.ino Sep 15 2020 17:17:36
ERAM start==0x70000000	 end==0x70002000
EXTMEM 	 fluff==0x70000000[size=1000]	 fluff2==0x70001000[size=1000]
External PSRAM size: 16
Eat: 70800000 B1:7059da60 B2:7033b4c0 B3: 700d8f20

Pass 1 error count: 0
 + + + + + + + + + + + + +
	EXTMEM exhausted at Pass 15 alloc size: 0x8000 	 was @ 0x70008f20
Try smaller size:0x4000	0x2000	 +!
	EXTMEM exhausted at Pass 16 alloc size: 0x2000 	 was @ 0x70004f20
Try smaller size:0x1000	 +!
	EXTMEM exhausted at Pass 17 alloc size: 0x1000 	 was @ 0x70002f20
Try smaller size:0x800	0x400	 +!
	EXTMEM exhausted at Pass 18 alloc size: 0x400 	 was @ 0x70002720
Try smaller size:0x200	 +!
	EXTMEM exhausted at Pass 19 alloc size: 0x200 	 was @ 0x70002320
Try smaller size:0x100	 +!
	EXTMEM exhausted at Pass 20 alloc size: 0x100 	 was @ 0x70002120
Try smaller size:0x80	 +!
	EXTMEM exhausted at Pass 21 alloc size: 0x80 	 was @ 0x70002020
Try smaller size:0x40	0x20	0x10	 +!
	EXTMEM exhausted at Pass 22 alloc size: 0x10 	 was @ 0x70002000
Try smaller size:0x8	0x4	0x2	0x1	 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pass 51 error count: 0

Code for that
#define COUNT_ALLOC 1250000

#if defined(ARDUINO_TEENSY41)
extern "C" {
	extern uint8_t external_psram_size;
uint8_t *extmem_next_free = nullptr;  // set in startup NULL if we don't have external memory
extern unsigned long _seram;
extern unsigned long _eeram;
uint8_t *malloc_extmem(size_t cb_alloc) {
	[B]uint8_t *extmem_free_last = extmem_next_free;  // Record Prior value in case last alloc fails[/B]

	if (!extmem_next_free) {
		extmem_next_free = (uint8_t *)&_seram + (uint32_t)(external_psram_size * 1048576);
		[B]extmem_free_last = extmem_next_free;[/B]
	// lets allocate and return on 16 byte boundaries.
	uint8_t *ret_val = (uint8_t *)((uint32_t)(extmem_next_free - cb_alloc) & 0xfffffff0);

	// comparing _eeram to assure that we not overrun pre allocated
	if (ret_val < (uint8_t *)&_eeram) {
		[B]extmem_next_free = extmem_free_last; // On this fail undo last attempt alloc[/B]
		return nullptr;
	extmem_next_free = ret_val;
	return ret_val;
uint8_t *malloc_extmem(size_t cb_alloc) {
	return nullptr;
void free_extmem(char *p) {
	// we don't do any free yet

extern uint8_t *malloc_extmem(size_t cb_alloc);

uint16_t *buffer1;
uint16_t *buffer2;
uint16_t *buffer3;

#if 1
EXTMEM uint32_t fluff[1024];
EXTMEM uint32_t fluff2[1024];
EXTMEM uint32_t fluff[256];
EXTMEM uint32_t fluff2[256];

uint8_t *buffer_eat_upper_8mb = nullptr;
void setup() {
	pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
	while (!Serial && millis() < 4000 );
	Serial.println("\n" __FILE__ " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__);
	Serial.printf( "ERAM start==0x%x\t end==0x%x\n", &_seram, &_eeram );
	Serial.printf( "EXTMEM \t fluff==0x%x[size=%x]\t fluff2==0x%x[size=%x]\n", fluff, sizeof(fluff), fluff2, sizeof(fluff2) );

#if defined(ARDUINO_TEENSY41)
	Serial.printf("External PSRAM size: %d\n", external_psram_size);
	if (external_psram_size == 16) buffer_eat_upper_8mb = malloc_extmem(1024 * 1024 * 8);
	buffer1 = (uint16_t*)malloc_extmem(COUNT_ALLOC * sizeof(uint16_t));
	buffer2 = (uint16_t*)malloc_extmem(COUNT_ALLOC * sizeof(uint16_t));
	buffer3 = (uint16_t*)malloc_extmem(COUNT_ALLOC * sizeof(uint16_t));
	Serial.printf("Eat: %x B1:%x B2:%x B3: %x\n", (uint32_t)buffer_eat_upper_8mb, (uint32_t)buffer1, (uint32_t)buffer2, (uint32_t)buffer3);
	if (!buffer1 || !buffer2 || !buffer3) {
		Serial.println("Failed to allocate external memory");
		for (;;) {
			digitalWrite(13, !digitalRead(13));

uint32_t loop_count = 0;
uint32_t loop_alloc = 8192 * 4;
uint16_t *buffer4 = nullptr; // waste and realloc memory test
void loop() {
	digitalWrite(13, !digitalRead(13));
	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < COUNT_ALLOC; i++) {
		buffer1[i] = i & 0xffff;
		buffer2[i] = loop_count & 0xffff;
		buffer3[i] = buffer1[i] ^ buffer2[i];
		if (buffer_eat_upper_8mb)buffer_eat_upper_8mb[i] = loop_count + i ;
	uint32_t error_count = 0;
	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < COUNT_ALLOC; i++) {
		if ((buffer1[i] != (i & 0xffff)) || (buffer2[i] != (loop_count & 0xffff)) || (buffer3[i] != (buffer1[i] ^ buffer2[i]))) {
			if (error_count < 5) Serial.printf("%u %x %x %x\n", i, buffer1[i], buffer2[i], buffer3[i]);
	if ( error_count == 0 && 1 != (loop_count % 50) ) {
		if ( loop_count == 2 || buffer4 != nullptr ) {
			uint16_t *before4 = buffer4;
			[B]buffer4 = (uint16_t*)malloc_extmem(loop_alloc * sizeof(uint16_t));
			if ( buffer4 == nullptr ) {
				Serial.printf("\n\tEXTMEM exhausted at Pass %d alloc size: 0x%x \t was @ 0x%x\nTry smaller size:", loop_count, loop_alloc, before4 );
				loop_alloc = loop_alloc / 2;
				while ( loop_alloc > 0 && buffer4 == nullptr ) {
					Serial.printf("0x%x\t", loop_alloc);
					buffer4 = (uint16_t*)malloc_extmem(loop_alloc * sizeof(uint16_t));
					if ( buffer4 == nullptr )
						loop_alloc = loop_alloc / 2;
						Serial.printf(" +!");
				Serial.printf(" +");[/B]
			Serial.printf(" .");
		Serial.printf("\nPass %d error count: %d\n", loop_count, error_count);
I'm using the LVGL graphics library and it's a bit heavy on RAM

Bit late to the party here, but LVGL gives you some options here via the lv_conf.h file. You can tell it to use EXTMEM and how much, and also PROGMEM for it's large constants, like fonts, and even FASTRUN for performance critical functions. Look for these defines:

# define LV_MEM_SIZE
# define LV_MEM_ATTR

I have this set up as such:

# define LV_MEM_SIZE (4096U * 1024U)
Bit late to the party here, but LVGL gives you some options here via the lv_conf.h file. You can tell it to use EXTMEM and how much, and also PROGMEM for it's large constants, like fonts, and even FASTRUN for performance critical functions. Look for these defines:

# define LV_MEM_SIZE
# define LV_MEM_ATTR

I have this set up as such:

# define LV_MEM_SIZE (4096U * 1024U)

This is great! Thank you for bringing it to my attrntion!
I had actually manually set most fonts and images to storge in Flash memory but your suggestion here above saves a LOT of file editing :)
Bit late to the party here, but LVGL gives you some options here via the lv_conf.h file. You can tell it to use EXTMEM and how much, and also PROGMEM for it's large constants, like fonts, and even FASTRUN for performance critical functions. Look for these defines:

# define LV_MEM_SIZE
# define LV_MEM_ATTR

I have this set up as such:

# define LV_MEM_SIZE (4096U * 1024U)

Just coming back to this as I am now finally giving it a try.

When I set my lv_conf file with the same setting as above I get a bunch of compile errors - so many that I have attached them as a text file.
The compiler is complaining about these definitions but I'm not knowledgeable enough to understand why..


  • lv_errors.txt
    86.1 KB · Views: 405
Are there updates on this? At this time, can I dynamically allocate memory in the PSRAM space?
Fortunately the chips are cheap, but I was hoping I could use them.

Are there updates on this? At this time, can I dynamically allocate memory in the PSRAM space?
Fortunately the chips are cheap, but I was hoping I could use them.


Dynamically, I believe not.
The Teensy does not have a mechanism to dynamically allocate RAM into the PSRAM chip.
You can declare EXTMEM before variables to place them into the PSRAM memory block - scroll all the way to the bottom of this page

I tired to place image into PSRAM on LVGL and all I got was block on the screen of scrambled colors, so I moved the into program memory.
I tried to place my frame buffer into PSRAM, the image came up on the screen but it was very gittery. So I reverted the change.

I guess it's good for storing large arrays of data that might need to be used later on, and that do not need to transferred fast
Yes the current beta Teensyduino has in it a new memory allocate set of funnctions smalloc.h which is useed by the extmem_malloc,
where for example you can define a pool of memory and it can then do allocations out of that pool of memory.

On those boards that do not have External PSRAM, the extmem_malloc will revert to calling malloc
Thanks, that is what I am looking for, are there any example sketches for this allocation? Or is it just as simple as extmem_malloc() in the place of malloc()?
Happy xmas
I ended up creating a number of EXTMEM blocks for my drum machine. Dynamic allocation isn't needed.
I can load in gobs of data now.
I can reload new samples into each voice of my sample player as many times as I want to.
For the cost of a single chip, I now have a much more powerful machine.
If I was going to use this as an edge ML device, I could run some awesome models.

Now, on to flash memory to speed up the time to load in samples....
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