I have serveral logfiles of several Megabytes of "RAM Dumps"....
Saw the Redmond certifacte, too, tons of javascript, and contents of background programs where I didn't know that they run... "Epic games launcher".. lol..
Have modified the code to print and log to file.
Not sure If I want to post the program...
Can send it to you, Paul, or Tim..
Most of the time it starts silent. Helps to start a Defender Virius-Scan and to start random programs.
After a while (can take minutes!) it starts printing huge amounts of data. Megabytes.
While this is harmless, I saw contents of my GithubDesktop software, too - and as it uses my password etc (however, did not see it) I don't want to post too much...
Could not find a way to reliable start "print garbage" so far... I guess that would be better?!?
It always takes some fiddling - like starting other programs etc.
Saw the Redmond certifacte, too, tons of javascript, and contents of background programs where I didn't know that they run... "Epic games launcher".. lol..
Have modified the code to print and log to file.
Not sure If I want to post the program...
Can send it to you, Paul, or Tim..
Most of the time it starts silent. Helps to start a Defender Virius-Scan and to start random programs.
After a while (can take minutes!) it starts printing huge amounts of data. Megabytes.
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Could not find a way to reliable start "print garbage" so far... I guess that would be better?!?
It always takes some fiddling - like starting other programs etc.