That's really nifty. I couldn't see a pricing sheet there, could you give me a ballpark re: cost? Perhaps normalized across a typical set of boards on a $/in^2 basis, for example?
I think you really need to get a quote. They are more than willing to do that. The last couple I had done were paid by my clients and I'd be guessing but I'm thinking maybe $500 to get set up. I can't get a screen printer set up at a contract manufacturer for twice that much less get any panels printed.
Because there is the cost of making a stainless steel stencil and set-up, there is going to be a minimum charge. Then there is a cost per panel to do the actual process which is heavily dependent on volume so the setup is amortized over multiple boards.
Like most volume processes, it is less expensive to do multiple boards per panel because most of the charge is based per stencil wipe. If I recall, they probably use a standard squeegee that will probably print a panel about 17" wide but you should confirm that. So they can probably print about 17" square and a panel that is less will cost essentially the same amount, so it pays to use big panels and then break them apart.