Teensyduino 1.59 Beta #6


Staff member
Here is a sixth beta test for Teensyduino 1.59.

This is meant to be a candidate for 1.59 release.

Arduino 2.2.x, all systems platforms:
Use File > Preferences to set additional URL:
unlike prior betas, we're using a new URL to test the discovery and monitor utils
Then use Boards Manager to install Teensy version 0.59.6
(to refresh versions, Shift-Ctrl-P and click "Arduino: Update Package Index")

Arduino 1.8.x, Linux 32 bit:

Arduino 1.8.x, Linux 64 bit:

Arduino 1.8.x, Linux ARM:

Arduino 1.8.x, Linux ARM64:

Arduino 1.8.x, MacOS (Catalina to Sonoma)

Arduino 1.8.x, Old MacOS (Mojave)

Arduino 1.8.x, Windows:

PlatformIO, DIY beta support:

Changes since Teensyduino 1.59-beta5:

USB Serial emulation availableForWrite()
Add LCDIF defines (A-Dunstan)
Remove unused IntervalTimer code (Luni)
Audio fix CS4274 (WeTac)
Snooze fix on Teensy 4.x (BriComp)
Fix unable to auto-reboot on Linux
Works here:

Installed on IDE 2 and Unzipped to IDE 1.8.19 and current sketch built and uploaded for both.
I can't get it to show in Arduino 2.2x refreshed the package index a few times.
Noted above - this is using a new URL:
I can't get it to show in Arduino 2.2x refreshed the package index a few times

Did you put the new URL into File > Preferences ?

Normally beta versions are published on the main package index URL. This works for normal beta tests, but it has a shortcoming for release candidates where we really want to test everything, or any time we need to test updates to board discovery or serial monitor communication. The problem is Arduino created the package index rules so the latest discovery and monitor utilities are always used. Each package version is unable to specify which version of these utilities to install. Why the Arduino developers made this choice I don't fully understand, but it has something to do with virtually all platforms sharing their serial discovery utility. I hope someday they'll reconsider this design choice.

If you install 0.59.5 or 0.59.4 using the normal package index URL and watch the messages as Arduino IDE installs the package, you'll see discovery and monitor are still 1.58.0 even though you're installing 0.59.x. Using the normal URL, we can't test discovery and monitor without forcing the beta test upon everyone using stable versions.

With this new package index, when you install 0.59.6, you'll see the discovery and monitor utilities installed are "1.59.0-beta6". And if you switch back to 1.58.1, you'll see 1.58.1 is now using discovery and monitor version 1.59.0-beta6. This is the reason for the special URL. Before 1.59 is finalized, we really need an opportunity to check whether everything really is working properly with 1.59.0-beta6 discovery and monitor.
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Just installed - no issues installing using the new URL on IDE 2.2.2 nightly. Ditto for 1.8.19

completed the camera flexio sketch that we have been working on no issues.
Sorry guys I misread I thought I only had to add the new URL to 1.8.19.

Installed fine now of course.
I was seeing a couple issues, but trying with the latest nightly builds I can't reproduce them on any system. With IDE 2.2.1, on Linux and sometimes Windows (but not MacOS) the drop-down board select list wouldn't always update when I unplugged one Teensy and then plugged in a different model (eg, was Teensy 4.0 then plug in Teensy LC).

When I start up the IDE, on Linux it auto-selects the previously used board. But on Windows and MacOS the drop down list stay "Select Board". Not sure why, maybe I changed a setting? With IDE 2.2.1, the File > Examples menu wouldn't have Teensy stuff with the board auto selected at startup. Seems to be fixed with 2.2.2 nightly build.

Is anyone else seeing these funny behaviors with IDE 2.2.1? Since I can't reproduce any of it with IDE 2.2.2-nightly, hopefully it's just Arduino issues that will eventually go away when they release a new version?
I'm on a brand new WIN10pro installation + I'm trying IDE 2.2.1 for the very first time (glutton for punishment), so this is a brand new installation of that as well. I have added the https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/package_teensy_159b6_index.json URL to File > Preferences, and selected 0.59.6 from the Boards Manager. When I click the INSTALL button, I get the following (failure) report:

Downloading packages
Failed to install platform: 'teensy:avr:0.59.6'.
Error: 2 UNKNOWN: unexpected EOF

As I'm a noob with this, I'm not sure what I might have done wrong.

I tried installing 1.58.1 & get the following (successful):

Downloading packages
Installing teensy:teensy-tools@1.58.0
Configuring tool.
teensy:teensy-tools@1.58.0 installed
Installing teensy:teensy-compile@11.3.1
Configuring tool.
teensy:teensy-compile@11.3.1 installed
Installing teensy:teensy-discovery@1.59.0-beta6
Configuring tool.
teensy:teensy-discovery@1.59.0-beta6 installed
Installing teensy:teensy-monitor@1.59.0-beta6
Configuring tool.
teensy:teensy-monitor@1.59.0-beta6 installed
Installing platform teensy:avr@1.58.1
Configuring platform.
Platform teensy:avr@1.58.1 installed

If I then retry installing 0.59.6, I get the following (failure):

Tool teensy:teensy-compile@11.3.1 already installed
Tool teensy:teensy-discovery@1.59.0-beta6 already installed
Tool teensy:teensy-monitor@1.59.0-beta6 already installed
Downloading packages
Failed to install platform: 'teensy:avr:0.59.6'.
Error: 2 UNKNOWN: unexpected EOF


I tried installing 0.59.5 & get the following (successful) report:

Tool teensy:teensy-compile@11.3.1 already installed
Tool teensy:teensy-discovery@1.59.0-beta6 already installed
Tool teensy:teensy-monitor@1.59.0-beta6 already installed
Downloading packages
Installing teensy:teensy-tools@0.59.5
Configuring tool.
teensy:teensy-tools@0.59.5 installed
Replacing platform teensy:avr@1.58.1 with teensy:avr@0.59.5
Uninstalling teensy:avr@1.58.1
Platform teensy:avr@1.58.1 uninstalled
Uninstalling teensy:teensy-compile@11.3.1, tool is no more required
Uninstalling teensy:teensy-tools@1.58.0, tool is no more required
Tool teensy:teensy-tools@1.58.0 uninstalled
Uninstalling teensy:teensy-discovery@1.59.0-beta6, tool is no more required
Uninstalling teensy:teensy-monitor@1.59.0-beta6, tool is no more required
Configuring platform.
Platform teensy:avr@0.59.5 installed

If I then retry installing 0.59.6, I get the following (successful !!) report:

Tool teensy:teensy-compile@11.3.1 already installed
Tool teensy:teensy-discovery@1.59.0-beta6 already installed
Tool teensy:teensy-monitor@1.59.0-beta6 already installed
Downloading packages
Installing teensy:teensy-tools@0.59.6
Configuring tool.
teensy:teensy-tools@0.59.6 installed
Replacing platform teensy:avr@0.59.5 with teensy:avr@0.59.6
Uninstalling teensy:avr@0.59.5
Platform teensy:avr@0.59.5 uninstalled
Uninstalling teensy:teensy-compile@11.3.1, tool is no more required
Uninstalling teensy:teensy-tools@0.59.5, tool is no more required
Tool teensy:teensy-tools@0.59.5 uninstalled
Uninstalling teensy:teensy-discovery@1.59.0-beta6, tool is no more required
Uninstalling teensy:teensy-monitor@1.59.0-beta6, tool is no more required
Configuring platform.
Platform teensy:avr@0.59.6 installed

So, something may be partially incomplete with 0.59.6 that is/was included in 0.59.5, unless that is as expected (& this noob just didn't know enough to know better !!). . .

Mark J Culross
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Installed W11 running with pretty recent nightly build: 20240201
So far so good. Although also at times see some strange Arduino hiccups, like one sketch I opened, cam up Read-only mode, closed it, deleted some other junk out of the folder, re-opened it and not RO..

Now to muck with it, to allow the variant for the DevBoard4 to work...
Error: 2 UNKNOWN: unexpected EOF

Best guess is this (probably) means the file wasn't fully downloaded. But I don't understand why, because the package index tell the file size and a SHA256 checksum, so it really ought to be able to know if it doesn't have the full file.

My understanding is Arduino CLI (running underneath Arduino IDE) is supposed to fully remove the old files and then extract everything from the new download. It should be partially reusing stuff from the 0.59.5 package in the 0.59.6 package (or "Platform").
@PaulStoffregen: Thanks !! I don't really have much time invested in this so far (& I'm also retired, so I have plenty of time to spare !!), so I am open to experimentation, if it will help with the troubleshooting. I can try removing everything & see if I can reproduce the same behavior with a re-install. Which folder(s) should I make sure to delete after uninstalling everything to completely clean it all out (just search for anything with "Arduino" in it) ??

Mark J Culross
I really don't know all the places it puts files, especially on Windows. I know Kurt has looked into this quite a bit.
Thanks !! I don't really have much time invested in this so far (& I'm also retired, so I have plenty of time to spare !!), so I am open to experimentation
ditto, but I still find ways to run out of time on things ...

Are you using an Antivirus on your machine? If so which one.

Have you scanned your disk for any possible issues? I had strange issues like this, a while ago on my old machine when the hard drive was starting to fail.

I know Kurt has looked into this quite a bit.
I have not done much of anything for a while now with IDE 1.x if it were 2.x, I would say, go up to the directory: %temp%/arduino
and delete it. This has a bunch of the cached stuff. Would also tell you to maybe delete the other area where a bunch of stuff is
cached and the like, which on my machine is at: C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Roaming\arduino-ide

@PaulStoffregen Differences in compression packaging?
ditto, but I still find ways to run out of time on things ...

Are you using an Antivirus on your machine? If so which one. [ Norton 360...I don't think this is interfering, since loading/building has been successful. Also, installing TD 1.58.1, then TD 0.59.5, then TD 0.59.6 eventually worked ]

Have you scanned your disk for any possible issues? I had strange issues like this, a while ago on my old machine when the hard drive was starting to fail. [ Brand new Win10pro installation on a brand new SanDisk Ultra 1TB SSD, so hopefully not failing yet !! ]

I have not done much of anything for a while now with IDE 1.x if it were 2.x, I would say, go up to the directory: %temp%/arduino
and delete it. This has a bunch of the cached stuff. Would also tell you to maybe delete the other area where a bunch of stuff is
cached and the like, which on my machine is at: C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Roaming\arduino-ide [ This is IDE 2.2.1, so I'll look for both ]

@PaulStoffregen Differences in compression packaging?
Thanks !!

Mark J Culross
With IDE 2.2.1, the File > Examples menu wouldn't have Teensy stuff with the board auto selected at startup.
This is also my experience. I havn't tried the 2.2.2 Build yet. Coding with the Arduino IDE compared to VSCode is just horrible. So I will try the PlatformIO stuff soon.
OK, I finally got back to this (time was otherwise consumed with rebuilding a PC for my neighbor, after he experienced a fatal Windows crash & his computer subsequently refused to boot . . . boy am I spoiled by my previous (work) experience with the ability within linux to "fix" itself, very much unlike Windows !!).

I uninstalled the Arduino IDE 2.2.1 & removed all traces that I could find. I reinstalled the Arduino IDE 2.2.1 & reapplied the unique 0.59.6 json link. My same sketch used in previous tests then built with no problems. So, at this point, I'll chalk this up as NR (not reproducible). One thing of note that I did not notice previously: the default sketch location pointed to a path that included OneDrive, which I normally turn off & do not use, so that could somehow have been a silent contributor to my previous failures.


As an unrelated note, I did notice that, when the "Export Compiled Binary" (CTL-ALT-S) function is invoked (which I use to archive versions before making major changes), the Arduino IDE 1.8.19 used to put the hex & ehex files in the same folder where the sketch lives. That made it easy to find & move to my archive folder. When the "Export Compiled Binary" (CTL-ALT-S) function is invoked from the new Arduino IDE 2.2.1, it seems to only put the hex file in the Temp build folder, so it is a little more work to locate the current build folder & manually move the file to my archive.

And finally, using my best noob voice, does Arduino IDE 2.2.1 support building ehex files ?? I have placed my key.pem in the same folder that I have set in File > Preferences as the "Sketchbook location:" (C:\Users\mjcul\Documents\Arduino\MJCsource\). Here's the buld log:

07:57:55.708 (loader): file changed
07:57:55.742 (loader): File "C:\Users\mjcul\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino\sketches\8895C39DBBCE0E7B0A0F8F3765B0B1F4\Teensy-RV-Leveling-Helper-Pair.ino.hex", 116736 bytes
07:57:55.742 (loader): File "Teensy-RV-Leveling-Helper-Pair.ino.hex". 116736 bytes
07:57:55.800 (post_compile 25): Begin, pid=6092, version=1.59-beta6, high-res time
07:57:55.803 (loader): remote connection 1544 opened
07:57:55.804 (loader): remote cmd from 1544: "comment: Teensyduino 1.59-beta6 - WINDOWS (teensy_post_compile)"
07:57:55.804 (post_compile 25): ARDUINO_USER_AGENT = "arduino-cli/0.34.0 arduino-ide/2.2.1 grpc-node-js/1.8.18"
07:57:55.804 (post_compile 25): Sending command: comment: Teensyduino 1.59-beta6 - WINDOWS (teensy_post_compile)
07:57:55.806 (loader): remote cmd from 1544: "status"
07:57:55.809 (loader): remote cmd from 1544: "dir:C:\Users\mjcul\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino\sketches\8895C39DBBCE0E7B0A0F8F3765B0B1F4\"
07:57:55.809 (post_compile 25): Status: 1, 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, C:\Users\mjcul\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino\sketches\8895C39DBBCE0E7B0A0F8F3765B0B1F4\, Teensy-RV-Leveling-Helper-Pair.ino.hex
07:57:55.809 (post_compile 25): Sending command: dir:C:\Users\mjcul\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino\sketches\8895C39DBBCE0E7B0A0F8F3765B0B1F4\
07:57:55.811 (post_compile 25): Sending command: file:Teensy-RV-Leveling-Helper-Pair.ino.hex
07:57:55.811 (loader): remote cmd from 1544: "file:Teensy-RV-Leveling-Helper-Pair.ino.hex"
07:57:55.831 (loader): File "C:\Users\mjcul\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino\sketches\8895C39DBBCE0E7B0A0F8F3765B0B1F4\Teensy-RV-Leveling-Helper-Pair.ino.hex", 116736 bytes
07:57:55.831 (loader): File "Teensy-RV-Leveling-Helper-Pair.ino.hex". 116736 bytes
07:57:55.837 (loader): remote cmd from 1544: "status"
07:57:55.846 (post_compile 25): Status: 1, 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, C:\Users\mjcul\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino\sketches\8895C39DBBCE0E7B0A0F8F3765B0B1F4\, Teensy-RV-Leveling-Helper-Pair.ino.hex
07:57:55.846 (post_compile 25): Disconnect
07:57:55.877 (loader): remote connection 1544 closed
07:57:56.759 (post_compile 26): Begin, pid=7944, version=1.59-beta6, high-res time
07:57:56.762 (loader): remote connection 728 opened
07:57:56.764 (post_compile 26): ARDUINO_USER_AGENT = "arduino-cli/0.34.0 arduino-ide/2.2.1 grpc-node-js/1.8.18"
07:57:56.764 (post_compile 26): Sending command: comment: Teensyduino 1.59-beta6 - WINDOWS (teensy_post_compile)
07:57:56.764 (post_compile 26): port = "usb:0/140000/0/3"
07:57:56.764 (loader): remote cmd from 728: "comment: Teensyduino 1.59-beta6 - WINDOWS (teensy_post_compile)"
07:57:56.768 (loader): remote cmd from 728: "status"
07:57:56.773 (post_compile 26): Status: 1, 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, C:\Users\mjcul\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino\sketches\8895C39DBBCE0E7B0A0F8F3765B0B1F4\, Teensy-RV-Leveling-Helper-Pair.ino.hex
07:57:56.773 (post_compile 26): Sending command: dir:C:\Users\mjcul\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino\sketches\8895C39DBBCE0E7B0A0F8F3765B0B1F4\
07:57:56.773 (loader): remote cmd from 728: "dir:C:\Users\mjcul\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino\sketches\8895C39DBBCE0E7B0A0F8F3765B0B1F4\"
07:57:56.776 (loader): remote cmd from 728: "file:Teensy-RV-Leveling-Helper-Pair.ino.hex"
07:57:56.777 (post_compile 26): Sending command: file:Teensy-RV-Leveling-Helper-Pair.ino.hex
07:57:56.797 (loader): File "C:\Users\mjcul\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino\sketches\8895C39DBBCE0E7B0A0F8F3765B0B1F4\Teensy-RV-Leveling-Helper-Pair.ino.hex", 116736 bytes
07:57:56.797 (loader): File "Teensy-RV-Leveling-Helper-Pair.ino.hex". 116736 bytes
07:57:56.807 (loader): remote cmd from 728: "status"
07:57:56.816 (post_compile 26): Status: 1, 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, C:\Users\mjcul\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino\sketches\8895C39DBBCE0E7B0A0F8F3765B0B1F4\, Teensy-RV-Leveling-Helper-Pair.ino.hex
07:57:56.816 (post_compile 26): Disconnect
07:57:56.833 (post_compile 27): Running teensy_reboot: "C:\Users\mjcul\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\teensy\tools\teensy-tools\0.59.6\teensy_reboot.exe" teensy_reboot.exe "-board=TEENSY40" "-port=usb:0/140000/0/3" "-portlabel={serial.port.label}" "-portprotocol={serial.port.protocol}"
07:57:56.834 (loader): remote connection 728 closed
07:57:56.840 (loader): remote connection 728 opened
07:57:56.877 (reboot 28): Begin, pid=5716, version=1.59-beta6, high-res time
07:57:56.877 (reboot 28): location = usb:0/140000/0/3
07:57:56.877 (reboot 28): portlabel = {serial.port.label}
07:57:56.877 (reboot 28): portprotocol = {serial.port.protocol}
07:57:56.877 (reboot 28): portprotocol missing, infer "Teensy" from location
07:57:56.877 (reboot 28): Only location usb:0/140000/0/3 will be tried
07:57:56.877 (reboot 28): LoadLibrary cfgmgr32 ok
07:57:56.877 (reboot 28): LoadLibrary ntdll ok
07:57:56.879 (reboot 28): found_usb_device, id=\\?\usb#vid_16c0&pid_0483#12886730#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
07:57:56.879 (reboot 28): found_usb_device, loc=usb:0/140000/0/3    Port_#0003.Hub_#0001
07:57:56.879 (reboot 28): found_usb_device, hwid=USB\VID_16C0&PID_0483&REV_0279
07:57:56.879 (reboot 28): found_usb_device, devinst=00000002
07:57:56.879 (reboot 28): add: loc=usb:0/140000/0/3, class=USB, vid=16C0, pid=0483, ver=0279, serial=12886730, dev=\\?\usb#vid_16c0&pid_0483#12886730#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
07:57:56.879 (reboot 28):   comport_from_devinst_list attempt
07:57:56.879 (reboot 28):   found Ports in classguid_list at index=1
07:57:56.879 (reboot 28):   port COM8 found from devnode
07:57:56.879 (reboot 28): found_usb_device complete
07:57:56.883 (reboot 28): usb scan found 1 devices
07:57:56.886 (loader): remote connection 1536 opened
07:57:56.891 (reboot 28): found Teensy Loader, version 1.59
07:57:56.891 (reboot 28): Sending command: show:arduino_attempt_reboot
07:57:56.891 (loader): remote cmd from 1536: "show:arduino_attempt_reboot"
07:57:56.896 (loader): got request to show arduino rebooting message
07:57:56.902 (loader): remote cmd from 1536: "comment: Teensyduino 1.59-beta6 - WINDOWS (teensy_reboot)"
07:57:56.902 (reboot 28): Sending command: comment: Teensyduino 1.59-beta6 - WINDOWS (teensy_reboot)
07:57:56.908 (loader): remote cmd from 1536: "status"
07:57:56.915 (reboot 28): Status: 1, 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, C:\Users\mjcul\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino\sketches\8895C39DBBCE0E7B0A0F8F3765B0B1F4\, Teensy-RV-Leveling-Helper-Pair.ino.hex
07:57:56.915 (reboot 28): do_reset (serial) COM8
07:57:56.920 (loader): remote cmd from 1536: "status"
07:57:56.927 (reboot 28): Status: 1, 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, C:\Users\mjcul\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino\sketches\8895C39DBBCE0E7B0A0F8F3765B0B1F4\, Teensy-RV-Leveling-Helper-Pair.ino.hex
07:57:56.927 (reboot 28): status read, retry 0
07:57:57.034 (loader): remote cmd from 1536: "status"
07:57:57.047 (reboot 28): Status: 1, 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, C:\Users\mjcul\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino\sketches\8895C39DBBCE0E7B0A0F8F3765B0B1F4\, Teensy-RV-Leveling-Helper-Pair.ino.hex
07:57:57.047 (reboot 28): status read, retry 1
07:57:57.158 (loader): remote cmd from 1536: "status"
07:57:57.169 (loader): handle 5a0
07:57:57.176 (loader): Device came online, code_size = 100
07:57:57.182 (loader): Board is: NXP IMXRT1062 ROM
07:57:57.189 (loader): begin operation
07:57:57.213 (loader): File "C:\Users\mjcul\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino\sketches\8895C39DBBCE0E7B0A0F8F3765B0B1F4\Teensy-RV-Leveling-Helper-Pair.ino.hex", 116736 bytes
07:57:57.218 (loader): File "Teensy-RV-Leveling-Helper-Pair.ino.hex". 116736 bytes
07:57:57.223 (loader): set background IMG_ONLINE
07:57:57.235 (reboot 28): Status: 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, 8, C:\Users\mjcul\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino\sketches\8895C39DBBCE0E7B0A0F8F3765B0B1F4\, Teensy-RV-Leveling-Helper-Pair.ino.hex
07:57:57.243 (loader): nxp_write: success
07:57:57.248 (loader): HAB locked secure mode
07:57:57.261 (loader): ERROR, need .ehex file for locked Teensy
07:57:57.268 (loader): start ignoring usb:0/140000/0/3
07:57:57.273 (loader): end operation, total time = 0.077 seconds
07:57:57.282 (loader): redraw timer set, image 81 to show for 8000 ms
07:57:57.298 (loader): remote cmd from 1536: "status"
07:57:57.317 (reboot 28): Status: 1, 1, 0, 4, 0, 0, C:\Users\mjcul\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino\sketches\8895C39DBBCE0E7B0A0F8F3765B0B1F4\, Teensy-RV-Leveling-Helper-Pair.ino.hex
07:57:57.317 (reboot 28): status read, retry 2
07:57:57.317 (reboot 28): Disconnect
07:57:57.317 (reboot 28): Success
07:57:57.348 (loader): remote connection 1536 closed
07:57:57.371 (loader): remote connection 728 closed
07:58:05.292 (loader): redraw, image 9


Thanks to everyone for their on-going help !!

Mark J Culross
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does Arduino IDE 2.2.1 support building ehex files ??

Yes, but it will only look for key.pem in the 1.8.x sketchbook folder.

You might intuitively expect Arduino IDE 2.x.x and 1.8.x would use the same sketchbook folder setting, but no. If you want to change your sketchbook folder location, you'll need to make the change in the preferences of both. Why Arduino shares almost all the other settings between old and new IDE, but stores the sketchbook folder as a distinct setting is beyond me.

The dialog box to create key.pem and generate the 3 programs to burn the key into fuse and set secure more also only exists in IDE 1.8.x. That dialog box is Java bytecode. Support for adding this sort of tool is still an open issue for the new IDE. Sadly, that issue is still open and it was locked against comments.

Better support for ehex and key.pem in IDE 2.2.x is on my list of features for future versions. Definitely won't happen in 1.59.

OK, thanks. I forgot about the "will only look for key.pem in the 1.8.x sketchbook folder" aspect. I'm certain making that adjustment will make everything work as expected. I'm very much a creature of habit, so I'll probably just stick with Arduino IDE 1.8.19 for now, as my comfort zone has lots of experience with that. However, I did want to at least try the new Arduino IDE 2.2.1, so I can now check that box off.

Thanks again for the excellent support & for the Teensy family of devices !!

Mark J Culross
Downloaded and installed no issues. Compiled and uploaded using our Flexio camera sketch - it uploaded no issues and ran dual serial. So doesn't look like it broke anything - at least yet :)
2.3.0 solves the problem I was seeing on Windows (with 2.2.1 and 2.2.2-nightly only 3 days ago) where the drop-down board select menu wouldn't update properly when one Teensy was unplugged and a different Teensy model plugged into the same cable. Still have to click the menu, but now every time I click it's showing the freshly connected board correctly. :)
FWIW, I was sometimes (rarely) also seeing that on Linux, but could never make it happen on MacOS.

Going to install on all 3 and do a big round of testing this morning!
Maybe good day to release :D it as Arduino just released 2.3.0 As well as board updates for several boards.
Just confirmed on Windows that uninstalling Teensyduino 0.59.6 is properly closing the Teensy Loader window before it tries to delete the files. :)