Teensyduino 1.56 Beta #2

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Staff member
Here is a second beta test for Teensyduino 1.56.

Linux 32 bit:

Linux 64 bit:

Linux ARM:

Linux ARM64:

MacOS 10.10 to 10.15:

MacOS 10.8 to 10.14:


Changes since Teensyduino 1.56-beta1:

Add FS format() and mediaPresent()
Add String compatibility to FS,SD,LittleFS,etc
Add LittleFS format() (mjs513)
Add SD format() and mediaPresent()
Update SdFat to version 2.1.0 and enable UTF8 filenames
Edit SdFat examples to compile on Teensy 3 & 4
Audio fix PT8211 when no audio data input (Frank B)
Audio i2s2 slave mode (alex6679)
Update FastCRC (Frank B)
USBHost_t36 HID support 1000 Hz update (Kurt E)
USBHost_t36 Keyboard forward API and example (Kurt E)
Reduce wasted memory during linking (Frank B)
Fix MTP detection on Linux
Fix serial monitor on Linux with MTP
Fix rare serial monitor stall on Windows
Fix rare Null Pointer Exception when closing serial monitor
Installed over beta1 with no issues - no blue screens no warnings etc. Ran the mtp-test sketch - compiled and ran (see other thread for issues). But there were no conflicts or errors which is good. :) Ok back to playing
I installed and it runs !

Although probably still using mostly my private versions of libraries.

Currently pulling out hair on getting format to exit nicely if the format is going to take a minute or so...

Still working on it. more later
Is it desired to put pull request reminders here, or is that not appropriate in these beta threads? I did for 1.54 and a PR got in, but not for 1.55.
Installed and it runs ! Win 11 over old on IDE 1.8.16.

Playing with alternate Serial sketch finally. @Paul seemed you wanted a HEX counter? Here is 9 digits of HEX:

That is finally printing FASTER than prior code - instead of 145 Mbps with delay( 1500 us ) showing over 220 Mbps with that same delay. Actually I unrolled 16 prints (getting the 9th hex-digit) - so delayNanoseconds( 24000 ); takes it back down to the same plus a couple Mbps.

I think Windows USB driver is too fast - not slower than others, just fills buffers and gets bored :) - Just seems to not give the thread good perf to munge the data?
3800000 Bytes in 59130 us = [B]514.12 Mbps[/B] // First reported value before buffers got big.

Seeing some errors in T_sermon - each of these one line - the middle of three - and the counted line after:

Just updated github for SerialTest2.ino and .c: defragster/cdcbench
SerialTest2.exe COM38 SZ38


SerialTest2.exe COM38 SZ38 Q

2 hours into my next trip around the sun - time to sleep.
Maybe we should continue discussion of the sustained fast serial data issues with Windows on the 1.56-beta1 thread, since that's where all the other messages about that issue are located, and 1.56-beta2 didn't really change anything about usb_serial.c.
I installed b2 over b1 and have run into a problem. The example/SD/SdFat_Usage does not compile (but it does compile with 1.55).
In file included from C:\arduino-1.8.16_1.56_b2\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SdFat\src\ExFatLib\upcase.cpp:25:0:
C:\arduino-1.8.16_1.56_b2\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SdFat\src\ExFatLib\upcase.h:31:25: error: 'ExChar16_t' does not name a type
                   const ExChar16_t* name, size_t offset, size_t n);
C:\arduino-1.8.16_1.56_b2\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SdFat\src\ExFatLib\upcase.h:33:30: error: 'ExChar16_t' does not name a type
 uint16_t exFatHashName(const ExChar16_t* name, size_t n, uint16_t hash);
C:\arduino-1.8.16_1.56_b2\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SdFat\src\ExFatLib\upcase.cpp:207:25: error: 'ExChar16_t' does not name a type
                   const ExChar16_t* name, size_t offset, size_t n) {
C:\arduino-1.8.16_1.56_b2\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SdFat\src\ExFatLib\upcase.cpp:230:30: error: 'ExChar16_t' does not name a type
 uint16_t exFatHashName(const ExChar16_t* name, size_t n, uint16_t hash) {
Multiple libraries were found for "SD.h"
 Used: C:\arduino-1.8.16_1.56_b2\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SD
 Not used: C:\arduino-1.8.16_1.56_b2\libraries\SD
Using library SD at version 2.0.0 in folder: C:\arduino-1.8.16_1.56_b2\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SD 
Using library SdFat at version 2.1.0 in folder: C:\arduino-1.8.16_1.56_b2\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SdFat 
Using library SPI at version 1.0 in folder: C:\arduino-1.8.16_1.56_b2\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SPI 
Error compiling for board Teensy 3.6.

I see a couple of mentions of ExChar16_t in other threads but nothing which would solve this.

I hope this is the right place to post -- there are more details in https://forum.pjrc.com/threads/68382-Serial-write-xmit-dropping-data but I was asked there to post the data here. Basically, I have simple Teensy 4.0 code to write lots of data back to the host and if it writes more than ~1 MB, the transfer starts to slow down. Often this is also associated with data loss, but under Linux and with the attached firmware, there is no data loss or corruption, but the transfer speed is about 32 MBPS for a 0.8MB transfer or less, but a 6.4MB is 4.3 MBPS and a 25.6MB file crawls to 0.3 MBPS.

Using the 1.56beta2 and the attached firmware, I used wireshark to capture all the USB packets. I've attached wireshark captures of a short fast transfer (0.8MB, 32 MBPS) and a long slow transfer (6.4MB, 4.3 MBPS). I'm hoping the USB packets might shed light on why the transfer is slowing down (and maybe this will also shed some light to data corruption that happens around the same file sizes in some circumstances). Since the data slow down happens on Linux and Windows, python and (anecdotally) C#, it seems likely that the Teensy is the source of the problem somehow.

Here is the python code I use to receive data. Aside from also having dropped data, this happens on Windows as well.

import serial, struct,time
import numpy as np

wordsToGet = 400000
wordSize = 2

ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0',115200,timeout=2)

expectedData = np.array(range(wordsToGet))
expectedData = expectedData.astype(np.uint16)

received = 0
start = time.time()
while( wordsToGet != received):
    packetSize = min(1024,wordsToGet-received)
    packet = ser.read(packetSize*wordSize)
    if (len(packet) != packetSize*wordSize):
        print('Error, got only {} bytes, but expecting {}, received {} of {} bytes total'.format(len(packet),packetSize*wordSize,received,wordsToGet))
    data += packet
    received += packetSize

stop = time.time()
data = np.array(struct.unpack('H'*int(len(data)/wordSize),data))
diffSquared = (data-expectedData[0:len(data)])*(data-expectedData[0:len(data)])
print('Length of data received: {}/{}'.format(len(data),len(expectedData)))
if (np.sum(diffSquared) != 0):
    errorIndices = (data-expectedData[0:len(data)] != 0).nonzero()[0]
    print('Error, data returned not as expected. {} data points of {} are incorrect ({:01f}%)'.format(len(errorIndices),len(expectedData),100*len(errorIndices)/len(expectedData)))
    print('{} words received, {} MBytes in {:0.2f} seconds ({:0.2f}MBPS)'.format(len(data),len(data)*wordSize/1e6,stop-start,len(data)*wordSize/(stop-start)/1e6))

    print('{} words successfully received, {} MBytes in {:0.2f} seconds ({:0.2f}MBPS)'.format(wordsToGet,wordsToGet*wordSize/1e6,stop-start,wordsToGet*wordSize/(stop-start)/1e6))

del ser


  • USB-Packets-FastAndSlow.zip
    880 KB · Views: 182
  • CleanTeensyDataProblem.ino
    1.6 KB · Views: 149
I installed b2 over b1 and have run into a problem. The example/SD/SdFat_Usage does not compile (but it does compile with 1.55).
In file included from C:\arduino-1.8.16_1.56_b2\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SdFat\src\ExFatLib\upcase.cpp:25:0:
C:\arduino-1.8.16_1.56_b2\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SdFat\src\ExFatLib\upcase.h:31:25: error: 'ExChar16_t' does not name a type
                   const ExChar16_t* name, size_t offset, size_t n);
C:\arduino-1.8.16_1.56_b2\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SdFat\src\ExFatLib\upcase.h:33:30: error: 'ExChar16_t' does not name a type
 uint16_t exFatHashName(const ExChar16_t* name, size_t n, uint16_t hash);
C:\arduino-1.8.16_1.56_b2\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SdFat\src\ExFatLib\upcase.cpp:207:25: error: 'ExChar16_t' does not name a type
                   const ExChar16_t* name, size_t offset, size_t n) {
C:\arduino-1.8.16_1.56_b2\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SdFat\src\ExFatLib\upcase.cpp:230:30: error: 'ExChar16_t' does not name a type
 uint16_t exFatHashName(const ExChar16_t* name, size_t n, uint16_t hash) {
Multiple libraries were found for "SD.h"
 Used: C:\arduino-1.8.16_1.56_b2\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SD
 Not used: C:\arduino-1.8.16_1.56_b2\libraries\SD
Using library SD at version 2.0.0 in folder: C:\arduino-1.8.16_1.56_b2\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SD 
Using library SdFat at version 2.1.0 in folder: C:\arduino-1.8.16_1.56_b2\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SdFat 
Using library SPI at version 1.0 in folder: C:\arduino-1.8.16_1.56_b2\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SPI 
Error compiling for board Teensy 3.6.

I see a couple of mentions of ExChar16_t in other threads but nothing which would solve this.


I just loaded TD1.56b2 over 1.55 & I'm seeing the same "ExChar16_t" error reported (& failure to compile/link) for a sketch that previously built & ran correctly under 1.55:

In file included from C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SdFat\src\ExFatLib\upcase.cpp:25:0:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SdFat\src\ExFatLib\upcase.h:31:25: error: 'ExChar16_t' does not name a type
                   const ExChar16_t* name, size_t offset, size_t n);
C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SdFat\src\ExFatLib\upcase.h:33:30: error: 'ExChar16_t' does not name a type
 uint16_t exFatHashName(const ExChar16_t* name, size_t n, uint16_t hash);
C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SdFat\src\ExFatLib\upcase.cpp:207:25: error: 'ExChar16_t' does not name a type
                   const ExChar16_t* name, size_t offset, size_t n) {
C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SdFat\src\ExFatLib\upcase.cpp:230:30: error: 'ExChar16_t' does not name a type
 uint16_t exFatHashName(const ExChar16_t* name, size_t n, uint16_t hash) {
Multiple libraries were found for "SD.h"
 Used: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SD
 Not used: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\SD
Error compiling for board Teensy 4.1.

Mark J Culross
I just loaded TD1.56b2 over 1.55 & I'm seeing the same "ExChar16_t" error reported (& failure to compile/link) for a sketch that previously built & ran correctly under 1.55:

Mark J Culross

Tried going back to TD1.56b1 (not sure if this is valid, but it's what I did !!) & get a different error report, but still fails to build:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SdFat\src\ExFatLib\ExFatName.cpp:48:66: error: no 'bool ExFatFile::cmpName(const DirName_t*, ExName_t*)' member function declared in class 'ExFatFile'
 bool ExFatFile::cmpName(const DirName_t* dirName, ExName_t* fname) {
C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SdFat\src\ExFatLib\ExFatName.cpp:69:52: error: no 'size_t ExFatFile::getName7(char*, size_t)' member function declared in class 'ExFatFile'
 size_t ExFatFile::getName7(char* name, size_t count) {
C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SdFat\src\ExFatLib\ExFatName.cpp:100:52: error: no 'size_t ExFatFile::getName8(char*, size_t)' member function declared in class 'ExFatFile'
 size_t ExFatFile::getName8(char* name, size_t count) {
C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SdFat\src\ExFatLib\ExFatName.cpp:157:41: error: no 'bool ExFatFile::hashName(ExName_t*)' member function declared in class 'ExFatFile'
 bool ExFatFile::hashName(ExName_t* fname) {
Multiple libraries were found for "SD.h"
 Used: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SD
 Not used: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\SD
Error compiling for board Teensy 4.1.
Error downloading http://files.tinycircuits.com/ArduinoBoards/package_tinycircuits_index.json

UPDATE: Re-installing Arduino+TD1.56b1 allows successful build. (Re)confirmed that going backwards in versions is not really recommended/supported, but it was quick & easy to try.

Mark J Culross
Last edited:
I went through a few of my outstanding issues and made a few PRs (including an updated one that doesn't have an attached issue):

Upcoming is another attempt at adding state to IntervalTimer's callback functions. The Arduino style of having callbacks with no state hinders passing information to the callbacks without some hoops and breaks compatibility with other libraries that use the API. I'd love to see this get into the core. (coming soon™)
Let me extend that for *all* 60 PRs and ~50 issues and all the PRs and Issues in other libraries (i.e. 60/30 for Audio, etc..).
The users have all invested their time.
I installed b2 over b1 and have run into a problem. The example/SD/SdFat_Usage does not compile (but it does compile with 1.55).
In file included from C:\arduino-1.8.16_1.56_b2\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SdFat\src\ExFatLib\upcase.cpp:25:0:
C:\arduino-1.8.16_1.56_b2\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SdFat\src\ExFatLib\upcase.h:31:25: error: 'ExChar16_t' does not name a type
                   const ExChar16_t* name, size_t offset, size_t n);
C:\arduino-1.8.16_1.56_b2\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SdFat\src\ExFatLib\upcase.h:33:30: error: 'ExChar16_t' does not name a type
 uint16_t exFatHashName(const ExChar16_t* name, size_t n, uint16_t hash);
C:\arduino-1.8.16_1.56_b2\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SdFat\src\ExFatLib\upcase.cpp:207:25: error: 'ExChar16_t' does not name a type
                   const ExChar16_t* name, size_t offset, size_t n) {
C:\arduino-1.8.16_1.56_b2\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SdFat\src\ExFatLib\upcase.cpp:230:30: error: 'ExChar16_t' does not name a type
 uint16_t exFatHashName(const ExChar16_t* name, size_t n, uint16_t hash) {
Multiple libraries were found for "SD.h"
 Used: C:\arduino-1.8.16_1.56_b2\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SD
 Not used: C:\arduino-1.8.16_1.56_b2\libraries\SD
Using library SD at version 2.0.0 in folder: C:\arduino-1.8.16_1.56_b2\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SD 
Using library SdFat at version 2.1.0 in folder: C:\arduino-1.8.16_1.56_b2\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SdFat 
Using library SPI at version 1.0 in folder: C:\arduino-1.8.16_1.56_b2\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SPI 
Error compiling for board Teensy 3.6.

I see a couple of mentions of ExChar16_t in other threads but nothing which would solve this.


1.56beta's pretty much all deal with making improvements and changes to File System support which has involved changes to FS.h, SDFat, and SD primarily (see https://forum.pjrc.com/threads/68139-Teensyduino-File-System-Integration-including-MTP-and-MSC). I ran the SD_Usage example an it is compiling fine with the latest changes that will probably be rolled into beta3 (don't ask me when). Right now would probably stick with beta1 or update to the lasted libraries for SD and SDFat. Don;t think we made any changes to FS.h since beta1.

Hope this helps explain whats going on.

Thanks to all for info about the ExChar16_t problem in SD. I installed a fresh Arduino 1.8.16 and put TD 1.56.b2 on top and the example now compiles, as do a couple of my sketches which failed.

Posted on T_MMod was this:
Using this in a Windows CMD.exe - DOS box : "{local install}\hardware\tools\teensy_ports.exe"

Starts teensy_ports.exe that will display info on the connect state and type of connected Teensy.
[B]  "address": "usb:0/140000/0/6/1/3",
  "online": true,
  "label": "COM36 (Teensy 4.1) Serial",
  "vid": "16C0",
  "pid": "0483",
  "iserial": "970638",
  "boardName": "Teensy 4.1",
  "protocol": "Teensy"
  "address": "usb:0/140000/0/6/1/4",
  "online": true,
  "label": "COM11 (Teensy 4.1) Serial",
  "vid": "16C0",
  "pid": "0483",
  "iserial": "100038",
  "boardName": "Teensy 4.1",
  "protocol": "Teensy"

At this point IDE is closed and Teensy Loader is not running.
Is this expected?
With that running showing two running T_4.1's and pushing both Buttons results in this - the LOCKED T_4.1 { "iserial": "970638",} does not go to Bootloader or light the RED LED? It just goes to: "online": false
  "address": "usb:0/140000/0/6/1/4",
  "online": true,
  "label": "[no_device] (Teensy 4.1) Bootloader",
  "vid": "16C0",
  "pid": "0478",
  "iserial": "100038",
  "boardName": "Teensy 4.1",
  "protocol": "Teensy"
  "address": "usb:0/140000/0/6/1/4",
  "online": true,
  "label": "hid#vid_16c0&pid_0478 (Teensy 4.1) Bootloader",
  "vid": "16C0",
  "pid": "0478",
  "iserial": "100038",
  "boardName": "Teensy 4.1",
  "protocol": "Teensy"
[B]  "address": "usb:0/140000/0/6/1/3",
  "online": false

<edit>: It works and programs correctly when T_Loader is running: "12:26:39.972 (loader): using encrypted ehex (required - secure mode is locked)"
> the second T_4.1 beta lockable - is not yet locked the RED LED does appear with Button : (optional - secure mode not yet locked)

BTW: After days of running the SerialTest code on multiple Teensy's 'something' caused my Win 11 USB to IGNORE ALL Teensy events and I/O ( didn't try other USB devices before restart ).
Last edited:
@Paul - not sure if this VERBOSE log shows you anything - at the end.

<edit>: As before it works fine on restart. Both times USB was lost on IDE Upload of sketch. The first time the wonder was if I uploaded faulty code ... that wasn't it. Uploaded same code this time after restart and it ran fine.

Windows 11 seems to have LOST USB system again (second time). Only been up 15 hours and I think the SerialTest fast output Teensy were mostly off - only one connected at most? First time it had been up for days with 3 T_4.1's running that code???

Programmed T_4.1 "using encrypted ehex (required - secure mode is locked)" and it never returned?
Swapped another T_4.1 and pressed Button and it went to a RED LED one sec On/Off blink - so it seems I need to reboot to restore USB?

23:18:38.205 (ports 5): nothing new, skipping HID & Ports enum
23:18:40.545 (ports 5): nothing new, skipping HID & Ports enum
23:18:41.314 (ports 5): nothing new, skipping HID & Ports enum
23:19:43.893 (post_compile 1): Begin, version=1.56-beta2, high-res time
23:19:44.930 (loader): Teensy Loader 1.56-beta2, begin program
23:19:45.027 (loader): Listening for remote control on port 3149
23:19:45.027 (loader): initialized, showing main window
23:19:45.170 (loader): remote connection 1236 opened
23:19:45.170 (loader): remote cmd from 1236: "comment: Teensyduino 1.56-beta2 - WINDOWS (teensy_post_compile)"
23:19:45.170 (loader): remote cmd from 1236: "status"
23:19:45.172 (post_compile 1): Sending command: comment: Teensyduino 1.56-beta2 - WINDOWS (teensy_post_compile)
23:19:45.178 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/4
23:19:45.179 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/4
23:19:45.180 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/4
23:19:45.181 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/3
23:19:45.181 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/4
23:19:45.182 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/3
23:19:45.183 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/3
23:19:45.183 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/4
23:19:45.188 (post_compile 1): Status: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, R:\TEMP\arduino_build_680952\, SerialTestT.ino.ehex
23:19:45.188 (post_compile 1): Sending command: dir:R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\
23:19:45.188 (loader): remote cmd from 1236: "dir:R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\"
23:19:45.188 (loader): remote cmd from 1236: "file:SerialTest2.ino.hex"
23:19:45.188 (post_compile 1): Sending command: file:SerialTest2.ino.hex
23:19:45.191 (loader): File "R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\SerialTest2.ino.hex", 45056 bytes
23:19:45.191 (loader): File "R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\SerialTest2.ino.ehex", 45056 bytes, and 4992 loader utility
23:19:45.191 (loader): ehex is valid, key hash: 85A79CC1 B7C7F866 7F5BB3ED 0F9C9BA5 B4149EE2 72846D35 86B63863 B0699942
23:19:45.191 (loader): File "SerialTest2.ino.hex". 45056 bytes
23:19:45.272 (loader): remote cmd from 1236: "status"
23:19:45.272 (loader): remote cmd from 1236: "auto:on"
23:19:45.281 (post_compile 1): Status: 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\, SerialTest2.ino.hex
23:19:45.281 (post_compile 1): Sending command: auto:on
23:19:45.281 (post_compile 1): Disconnect
23:19:45.336 (loader): remote connection 1236 closed
23:19:45.729 (loader): remote connection 1400 opened
23:19:45.729 (loader): remote cmd from 1400: "comment: Teensyduino 1.56-beta2 - WINDOWS (teensy_post_compile)"
23:19:45.729 (loader): remote cmd from 1400: "status"
23:19:45.729 (loader): remote cmd from 1400: "dir:R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\"
23:19:45.729 (loader): remote cmd from 1400: "file:SerialTest2.ino.hex"
23:19:45.734 (post_compile 2): Begin, version=1.56-beta2, high-res time
23:19:45.740 (post_compile 2): Sending command: comment: Teensyduino 1.56-beta2 - WINDOWS (teensy_post_compile)
23:19:45.743 (post_compile 2): Status: 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\, SerialTest2.ino.hex
23:19:45.743 (post_compile 2): Sending command: dir:R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\
23:19:45.744 (post_compile 2): Sending command: file:SerialTest2.ino.hex
23:19:45.745 (loader): File "R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\SerialTest2.ino.hex", 45056 bytes
23:19:45.745 (loader): File "R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\SerialTest2.ino.ehex", 45056 bytes, and 4992 loader utility
23:19:45.745 (loader): ehex is valid, key hash: 85A79CC1 B7C7F866 7F5BB3ED 0F9C9BA5 B4149EE2 72846D35 86B63863 B0699942
23:19:45.745 (loader): File "SerialTest2.ino.hex". 45056 bytes
23:19:45.745 (loader): remote cmd from 1400: "status"
23:19:45.763 (post_compile 2): Status: 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\, SerialTest2.ino.hex
23:19:45.763 (post_compile 2): Disconnect
23:19:45.776 (loader): remote connection 1400 closed
23:19:45.776 (loader): remote connection 1364 opened
23:19:45.776 (post_compile 3): Running teensy_reboot: "C:\T_Drive\Arduino_1.8.16_155\hardware\teensy\..\tools\teensy_reboot.exe" teensy_reboot.exe "-board=TEENSY41" "-port=usb:0/140000/0/6/1/3" "-portlabel=COM7 Dual Serial" "-portprotocol=Teensy"
23:19:45.819 (reboot 4): Begin, version=1.56-beta2, high-res time
23:19:45.819 (reboot 4): location = usb:0/140000/0/6/1/3
23:19:45.819 (reboot 4): portlabel = COM7 Dual Serial
23:19:45.819 (reboot 4): portprotocol = Teensy
23:19:45.819 (reboot 4): Only location usb:0/140000/0/6/1/3 will be tried
23:19:45.819 (reboot 4): LoadLibrary cfgmgr32 ok
23:19:45.819 (reboot 4): LoadLibrary ntdll ok
23:19:45.821 (reboot 4): found_usb_device, id=\\?\usb#vid_16c0&pid_048b#9706380#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
23:19:45.821 (reboot 4): found_usb_device, hwid=USB\VID_16C0&PID_048B&REV_0280
23:19:45.821 (reboot 4): found_usb_device, loc=usb:0/140000/0/6/1/3    Port_#0003.Hub_#0011
23:19:45.821 (reboot 4): found_usb_device, devinst=00000005
23:19:45.821 (reboot 4): add: loc=usb:0/140000/0/6/1/3, class=USB, vid=16C0, pid=048B, ver=0280, serial=9706380, dev=\\?\usb#vid_16c0&pid_048b#9706380#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
23:19:45.821 (reboot 4):   comport_from_devinst_list attempt
23:19:45.821 (reboot 4):   found Ports in classguid_list at index=1
23:19:45.821 (reboot 4):   port COM7 found from devnode
23:19:45.821 (reboot 4): found_usb_device complete
23:19:45.824 (loader): remote connection 1400 opened
23:19:45.824 (loader): remote cmd from 1400: "show:arduino_attempt_reboot"
23:19:45.824 (loader): got request to show arduino rebooting message
23:19:45.824 (loader): remote cmd from 1400: "comment: Teensyduino 1.56-beta2 - WINDOWS (teensy_reboot)"
23:19:45.824 (loader): remote cmd from 1400: "status"
23:19:45.824 (loader): remote cmd from 1400: "status"
23:19:45.828 (reboot 4): found Teensy Loader, version 1.56
23:19:45.828 (reboot 4): Sending command: show:arduino_attempt_reboot
23:19:45.830 (reboot 4): Sending command: comment: Teensyduino 1.56-beta2 - WINDOWS (teensy_reboot)
23:19:45.832 (reboot 4): Status: 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\, SerialTest2.ino.hex
23:19:45.832 (reboot 4): do_reset (serial) COM7
23:19:45.838 (reboot 4): Status: 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\, SerialTest2.ino.hex
23:19:45.838 (reboot 4): status read, retry 0
23:19:45.855 (loader): remote connection 1368 opened
23:19:45.862 (ports 5): remove: loc=usb:0/140000/0/6/1/3
23:19:45.862 (ports 5): usb_remove: usb:0/140000/0/6/1/3
23:19:45.862 (ports 5): nothing new, skipping HID & Ports enum
23:19:45.873 (ports 5): nothing new, skipping HID & Ports enum
23:19:45.950 (loader): remote cmd from 1400: "status"
23:19:45.955 (reboot 4): Status: 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\, SerialTest2.ino.hex
23:19:45.955 (reboot 4): status read, retry 1
23:19:46.032 (ports 5): nothing new, skipping HID & Ports enum
23:19:46.061 (loader): remote cmd from 1400: "status"
23:19:46.061 (loader): handle 5b4
23:19:46.061 (loader): Device came online, code_size = 100
23:19:46.061 (loader): Board is: NXP IMXRT1062 ROM
23:19:46.061 (loader): begin operation
23:19:46.061 (loader): File "R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\SerialTest2.ino.hex", 45056 bytes
23:19:46.076 (loader): File "R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\SerialTest2.ino.ehex", 45056 bytes, and 4992 loader utility
23:19:46.076 (loader): ehex is valid, key hash: 85A79CC1 B7C7F866 7F5BB3ED 0F9C9BA5 B4149EE2 72846D35 86B63863 B0699942
23:19:46.076 (loader): File "SerialTest2.ino.hex". 45056 bytes
23:19:46.076 (loader): set background IMG_ONLINE
23:19:46.076 (loader): nxp_write: success
23:19:46.076 (loader): HAB locked secure mode
23:19:46.076 (loader): sending ehex loader utility, 4992 bytes
23:19:46.076 (loader): nxp_write: success
23:19:46.076 (loader): nxp_write: success
23:19:46.076 (loader): nxp_write: success
23:19:46.076 (loader): nxp_write: success
23:19:46.076 (loader): nxp_write: success
23:19:46.076 (loader): nxp_write: success
23:19:46.076 (loader): run it..
23:19:46.076 (loader): nxp_write: success
23:19:46.079 (reboot 4): Status: 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 8, R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\, SerialTest2.ino.hex
23:19:46.092 (loader): ehex loader utility sucessfully started
23:19:46.092 (loader): end operation, total time = 0.031 seconds
23:19:46.108 (loader): redraw timer set, image 80 to show for 2000 ms
23:19:46.109 (ports 5): nothing new, skipping HID & Ports enum
23:19:46.141 (loader): remote cmd from 1400: "status"
23:19:46.141 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/4
23:19:46.141 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/4
23:19:46.141 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/4
23:19:46.141 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/3
23:19:46.141 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/4
23:19:46.141 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/3
23:19:46.141 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/3
23:19:46.141 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/4
23:19:46.144 (reboot 4): Status: 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\, SerialTest2.ino.hex
23:19:46.144 (reboot 4): status read, retry 2
23:19:46.144 (reboot 4): Success
23:19:46.144 (reboot 4): Disconnect
23:19:46.157 (loader): remote connection 1400 closed
23:19:46.157 (loader): remote connection 1364 closed
23:19:46.399 (ports 5): nothing new, skipping HID & Ports enum
23:19:46.510 (ports 5): found_usb_device, id=\\?\usb#vid_16c0&pid_0478#000ecf8e#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
23:19:46.510 (ports 5): found_usb_device, hwid=USB\VID_16C0&PID_0478&REV_0107
23:19:46.510 (ports 5): found_usb_device, loc=usb:0/140000/0/6/1/3    Port_#0003.Hub_#0011
23:19:46.510 (ports 5): found_usb_device, devinst=0000001b
23:19:46.510 (ports 5): add: loc=usb:0/140000/0/6/1/3, class=HID, vid=16C0, pid=0478, ver=0107, serial=000ecf8e, dev=\\?\usb#vid_16c0&pid_0478#000ecf8e#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
23:19:46.510 (ports 5): hiddev_from_devinst_list: iface=0
23:19:46.511 (ports 5): found_usb_device complete
23:19:46.512 (ports 5): usb_add: usb:0/140000/0/6/1/3  [no_device] (Teensy 4.1) Bootloader
23:19:46.539 (loader): encryption is required, public key hash: 85A79CC1 B7C7F866 7F5BB3ED 0F9C9BA5 B4149EE2 72846D35 86B63863 B0699942
23:19:46.539 (loader): Device came online, code_size = 8126464
23:19:46.539 (loader): Board is: Teensy 4.1 (IMXRT1062), version 1.07
23:19:46.550 (loader): File "R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\SerialTest2.ino.hex", 45056 bytes
23:19:46.555 (loader): File "R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\SerialTest2.ino.ehex", 45056 bytes, and 4992 loader utility
23:19:46.555 (loader): ehex is valid, key hash: 85A79CC1 B7C7F866 7F5BB3ED 0F9C9BA5 B4149EE2 72846D35 86B63863 B0699942
23:19:46.555 (loader): File "SerialTest2.ino.hex". 45056 bytes, 1% used
23:19:46.555 (loader): File "SerialTest2.ino.hex" opened, but "SerialTest2.ino.ehex" will actually be used
23:19:46.575 (loader): set background IMG_ONLINE
23:19:46.585 (loader): File "R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\SerialTest2.ino.hex", 45056 bytes
23:19:46.591 (loader): File "R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\SerialTest2.ino.ehex", 45056 bytes, and 4992 loader utility
23:19:46.591 (loader): ehex is valid, key hash: 85A79CC1 B7C7F866 7F5BB3ED 0F9C9BA5 B4149EE2 72846D35 86B63863 B0699942
23:19:46.591 (loader): File "SerialTest2.ino.hex". 45056 bytes, 1% used
23:19:46.591 (loader): File "SerialTest2.ino.hex" opened, but "SerialTest2.ino.ehex" will actually be used
23:19:46.614 (loader): elf appears to be for Teensy 4.1 (IMXRT1062) (8126464 bytes)
23:19:46.614 (loader): elf binary data matches hex file
23:19:46.614 (loader): elf file is for Teensy 4.1 (IMXRT1062)
23:19:46.614 (loader): using encrypted ehex (required - secure mode is locked)
23:19:46.638 (loader): begin operation
23:19:46.678 (ports 5): update_usb_device, devinst list change, old had 1, new has 2
23:19:46.678 (ports 5): hiddev_from_devinst_list: iface=0
23:19:46.678 (loader): flash, block=0, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:46.679 (ports 5): hid, found devinst=0000001C
23:19:46.679 (ports 5): hid, path=\\?\hid#vid_16c0&pid_0478#8&3742ec8f&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
23:19:46.679 (ports 5): hid,  opened handle
23:19:46.679 (ports 5):  devinst=0000001C, location=usb:0/140000/0/6/1/3
23:19:46.679 (ports 5):  vid=16C0, pid=0478, ver=0107, usepage=FF9C, use=0025
23:19:46.679 (ports 5):  devpath=\\?\hid#vid_16c0&pid_0478#8&3742ec8f&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
23:19:46.679 (loader): flash, block=1, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:46.679 (ports 5): usb_add: usb:0/140000/0/6/1/3  hid#vid_16c0&pid_0478 (Teensy 4.1) Bootloader
23:19:46.680 (loader): flash, block=2, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:46.978 (loader): flash, block=3, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:46.978 (loader): flash, block=4, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.011 (loader): flash, block=5, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.013 (loader): flash, block=6, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.014 (loader): flash, block=7, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.043 (loader): flash, block=8, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.043 (loader): flash, block=9, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.043 (loader): flash, block=10, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.058 (loader): flash, block=11, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.058 (loader): flash, block=12, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.058 (loader): flash, block=13, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.089 (loader): flash, block=14, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.089 (loader): flash, block=15, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.121 (loader): flash, block=16, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.121 (loader): flash, block=17, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.152 (loader): flash, block=18, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.152 (loader): flash, block=19, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.183 (loader): flash, block=20, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.183 (loader): flash, block=21, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.214 (loader): flash, block=22, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.214 (loader): flash, block=23, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.246 (loader): flash, block=24, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.246 (loader): flash, block=25, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.280 (loader): flash, block=26, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.280 (loader): flash, block=27, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.311 (loader): flash, block=28, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.311 (loader): flash, block=29, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.342 (loader): flash, block=30, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.342 (loader): flash, block=31, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.375 (loader): flash, block=32, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.375 (loader): flash, block=33, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.408 (loader): flash, block=34, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.408 (loader): flash, block=35, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.439 (loader): flash, block=36, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.439 (loader): flash, block=37, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.471 (loader): flash, block=38, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.534 (loader): flash, block=39, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.550 (loader): flash, block=40, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.550 (loader): flash, block=41, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.564 (loader): flash, block=42, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.598 (loader): flash, block=43, bs=1024, auto=1
23:19:47.629 (loader): sending reboot
23:19:47.629 (loader): begin wait_until_offline
23:19:47.659 (ports 5): remove: loc=usb:0/140000/0/6/1/3
23:19:47.659 (ports 5): usb_remove: usb:0/140000/0/6/1/3
23:19:47.659 (ports 5): nothing new, skipping HID & Ports enum
23:19:47.690 (loader): offline, waited 1
23:19:47.690 (loader): end operation, total time = 1.051 seconds
23:19:47.690 (loader): set background IMG_REBOOT_OK
23:19:47.690 (loader): redraw timer set, image 14 to show for 1200 ms
23:19:47.719 (ports 5): nothing new, skipping HID & Ports enum
23:19:47.803 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/4
23:19:47.803 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/4
23:19:47.803 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/4
23:19:47.803 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/3
23:19:47.803 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/4
23:19:47.803 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/3
23:19:47.803 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/3
23:19:47.803 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/4
23:19:48.085 (ports 5): found_usb_device, id=\\?\usb#vid_16c0&pid_048b#9706380#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
23:19:48.085 (ports 5): found_usb_device, hwid=USB\VID_16C0&PID_048B&REV_0280
23:19:48.085 (ports 5): found_usb_device, loc=usb:0/140000/0/6/1/3    Port_#0003.Hub_#0011
23:19:48.085 (ports 5): found_usb_device, devinst=00000005
23:19:48.085 (ports 5): add: loc=usb:0/140000/0/6/1/3, class=USB, vid=16C0, pid=048B, ver=0280, serial=9706380, dev=\\?\usb#vid_16c0&pid_048b#9706380#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
23:19:48.085 (ports 5):   comport_from_devinst_list attempt
23:19:48.085 (ports 5): found_usb_device complete
23:19:48.086 (ports 5): usb_add: usb:0/140000/0/6/1/3  [no_device] (Teensy 4.1) Dual Serial
23:19:48.266 (ports 5): update_usb_device, devinst list change, old had 1, new has 3
23:19:48.266 (ports 5):   comport_from_devinst_list attempt
23:19:48.266 (ports 5):   found Ports in classguid_list at index=1
23:19:48.266 (ports 5):   port COM7 found from devnode
23:19:48.267 (ports 5): usb_add: usb:0/140000/0/6/1/3  COM7 (Teensy 4.1) Dual Serial
23:19:48.898 (loader): redraw, image 9
23:19:50.052 (ports 5): nothing new, skipping HID & Ports enum
23:26:40.297 (ports 5): nothing new, skipping HID & Ports enum
23:27:54.508 (loader): file changed
23:27:54.525 (loader): File "R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\SerialTest2.ino.hex", 45056 bytes
23:27:54.532 (loader): File "R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\SerialTest2.ino.ehex", 45056 bytes, and 4992 loader utility
23:27:54.532 (loader): ehex is valid, key hash: 85A79CC1 B7C7F866 7F5BB3ED 0F9C9BA5 B4149EE2 72846D35 86B63863 B0699942
23:27:54.532 (loader): File "SerialTest2.ino.hex". 45056 bytes
23:27:54.654 (post_compile 6): Begin, version=1.56-beta2, high-res time
23:27:54.658 (loader): remote connection 1356 opened
23:27:54.658 (loader): remote cmd from 1356: "comment: Teensyduino 1.56-beta2 - WINDOWS (teensy_post_compile)"
23:27:54.658 (loader): remote cmd from 1356: "status"
23:27:54.659 (post_compile 6): Sending command: comment: Teensyduino 1.56-beta2 - WINDOWS (teensy_post_compile)
23:27:54.661 (post_compile 6): Status: 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\, SerialTest2.ino.hex
23:27:54.661 (post_compile 6): Sending command: dir:R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\
23:27:54.661 (loader): remote cmd from 1356: "dir:R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\"
23:27:54.661 (loader): remote cmd from 1356: "file:SerialTest2.ino.hex"
23:27:54.661 (post_compile 6): Sending command: file:SerialTest2.ino.hex
23:27:54.668 (loader): File "R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\SerialTest2.ino.hex", 45056 bytes
23:27:54.674 (loader): File "R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\SerialTest2.ino.ehex", 45056 bytes, and 4992 loader utility
23:27:54.674 (loader): ehex is valid, key hash: 85A79CC1 B7C7F866 7F5BB3ED 0F9C9BA5 B4149EE2 72846D35 86B63863 B0699942
23:27:54.674 (loader): File "SerialTest2.ino.hex". 45056 bytes
23:27:54.678 (loader): remote cmd from 1356: "status"
23:27:54.682 (post_compile 6): Status: 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\, SerialTest2.ino.hex
23:27:54.682 (post_compile 6): Disconnect
23:27:54.696 (loader): remote connection 1356 closed
23:27:54.950 (loader): remote connection 1356 opened
23:27:54.950 (loader): remote cmd from 1356: "comment: Teensyduino 1.56-beta2 - WINDOWS (teensy_post_compile)"
23:27:54.950 (loader): remote cmd from 1356: "status"
23:27:54.950 (loader): remote cmd from 1356: "dir:R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\"
23:27:54.950 (loader): remote cmd from 1356: "file:SerialTest2.ino.hex"
23:27:54.951 (post_compile 7): Begin, version=1.56-beta2, high-res time
23:27:54.955 (post_compile 7): Sending command: comment: Teensyduino 1.56-beta2 - WINDOWS (teensy_post_compile)
23:27:54.958 (post_compile 7): Status: 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\, SerialTest2.ino.hex
23:27:54.958 (post_compile 7): Sending command: dir:R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\
23:27:54.958 (post_compile 7): Sending command: file:SerialTest2.ino.hex
23:27:54.966 (loader): File "R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\SerialTest2.ino.hex", 45056 bytes
23:27:54.968 (loader): File "R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\SerialTest2.ino.ehex", 45056 bytes, and 4992 loader utility
23:27:54.968 (loader): ehex is valid, key hash: 85A79CC1 B7C7F866 7F5BB3ED 0F9C9BA5 B4149EE2 72846D35 86B63863 B0699942
23:27:54.968 (loader): File "SerialTest2.ino.hex". 45056 bytes
23:27:54.968 (loader): remote cmd from 1356: "status"
23:27:54.978 (post_compile 7): Status: 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\, SerialTest2.ino.hex
23:27:54.978 (post_compile 7): Disconnect
23:27:54.999 (loader): remote connection 1356 closed
23:27:54.999 (loader): remote connection 1420 opened
23:27:54.999 (post_compile 8): Running teensy_reboot: "C:\T_Drive\Arduino_1.8.16_155\hardware\teensy\..\tools\teensy_reboot.exe" teensy_reboot.exe "-board=TEENSY41" "-port=usb:0/140000/0/6/1/3" "-portlabel=COM7 Dual Serial" "-portprotocol=Teensy"
23:27:55.030 (reboot 9): Begin, version=1.56-beta2, high-res time
23:27:55.030 (reboot 9): location = usb:0/140000/0/6/1/3
23:27:55.030 (reboot 9): portlabel = COM7 Dual Serial
23:27:55.030 (reboot 9): portprotocol = Teensy
23:27:55.030 (reboot 9): Only location usb:0/140000/0/6/1/3 will be tried
23:27:55.030 (reboot 9): LoadLibrary cfgmgr32 ok
23:27:55.030 (reboot 9): LoadLibrary ntdll ok
23:27:55.030 (loader): remote connection 1744 opened
23:27:55.030 (loader): remote cmd from 1744: "show:arduino_attempt_reboot"
23:27:55.030 (loader): got request to show arduino rebooting message
23:27:55.030 (loader): remote cmd from 1744: "comment: Teensyduino 1.56-beta2 - WINDOWS (teensy_reboot)"
23:27:55.030 (loader): remote cmd from 1744: "status"
23:27:55.033 (reboot 9): found_usb_device, id=\\?\usb#vid_16c0&pid_048b#9706380#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
23:27:55.033 (reboot 9): found_usb_device, loc=usb:0/140000/0/6/1/3    Port_#0003.Hub_#0011
23:27:55.033 (reboot 9): found_usb_device, hwid=USB\VID_16C0&PID_048B&REV_0280
23:27:55.033 (reboot 9): found_usb_device, devinst=00000005
23:27:55.033 (reboot 9): add: loc=usb:0/140000/0/6/1/3, class=USB, vid=16C0, pid=048B, ver=0280, serial=9706380, dev=\\?\usb#vid_16c0&pid_048b#9706380#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
23:27:55.033 (reboot 9):   comport_from_devinst_list attempt
23:27:55.033 (reboot 9):   found Ports in classguid_list at index=1
23:27:55.033 (reboot 9):   port COM7 found from devnode
23:27:55.033 (reboot 9): found_usb_device complete
23:27:55.040 (reboot 9): found Teensy Loader, version 1.56
23:27:55.040 (reboot 9): Sending command: show:arduino_attempt_reboot
23:27:55.042 (reboot 9): Sending command: comment: Teensyduino 1.56-beta2 - WINDOWS (teensy_reboot)
23:27:55.045 (reboot 9): Status: 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\, SerialTest2.ino.hex
23:27:55.045 (reboot 9): do_reset (serial) COM7
23:27:55.046 (loader): remote cmd from 1744: "status"
23:27:55.051 (reboot 9): Status: 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\, SerialTest2.ino.hex
23:27:55.051 (reboot 9): status read, retry 0
23:27:55.067 (ports 5): remove: loc=usb:0/140000/0/6/1/3
23:27:55.067 (ports 5): usb_remove: usb:0/140000/0/6/1/3
23:27:55.067 (ports 5): nothing new, skipping HID & Ports enum
23:27:55.083 (ports 5): nothing new, skipping HID & Ports enum
23:27:55.083 (ports 5): nothing new, skipping HID & Ports enum
23:27:55.155 (loader): remote cmd from 1744: "status"
23:27:55.159 (reboot 9): Status: 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\, SerialTest2.ino.hex
23:27:55.159 (reboot 9): status read, retry 1
23:27:55.242 (ports 5): nothing new, skipping HID & Ports enum
23:27:55.266 (loader): handle 6c8
23:27:55.266 (loader): Device came online, code_size = 100
23:27:55.266 (loader): Board is: NXP IMXRT1062 ROM
23:27:55.266 (loader): begin operation
23:27:55.266 (loader): File "R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\SerialTest2.ino.hex", 45056 bytes
23:27:55.281 (loader): File "R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\SerialTest2.ino.ehex", 45056 bytes, and 4992 loader utility
23:27:55.281 (loader): ehex is valid, key hash: 85A79CC1 B7C7F866 7F5BB3ED 0F9C9BA5 B4149EE2 72846D35 86B63863 B0699942
23:27:55.281 (loader): File "SerialTest2.ino.hex". 45056 bytes
23:27:55.281 (loader): set background IMG_ONLINE
23:27:55.281 (loader): remote cmd from 1744: "status"
23:27:55.281 (loader): nxp_write: success
23:27:55.281 (loader): HAB locked secure mode
23:27:55.281 (loader): sending ehex loader utility, 4992 bytes
23:27:55.281 (loader): nxp_write: success
23:27:55.281 (loader): nxp_write: success
23:27:55.281 (loader): nxp_write: success
23:27:55.281 (loader): nxp_write: success
23:27:55.281 (loader): nxp_write: success
23:27:55.281 (loader): nxp_write: success
23:27:55.281 (loader): run it..
23:27:55.281 (loader): nxp_write: success
23:27:55.285 (reboot 9): Status: 1, 1, 1, 3, 0, 8, R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\, SerialTest2.ino.hex
23:27:55.297 (loader): ehex loader utility sucessfully started
23:27:55.297 (loader): end operation, total time = 0.031 seconds
23:27:55.297 (loader): redraw timer set, image 80 to show for 2000 ms
23:27:55.322 (ports 5): nothing new, skipping HID & Ports enum
23:27:55.368 (loader): remote cmd from 1744: "status"
23:27:55.377 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/4
23:27:55.381 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/4
23:27:55.381 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/4
23:27:55.384 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/3
23:27:55.390 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/4
23:27:55.413 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/3
23:27:55.419 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/3
23:27:55.437 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:046D pid:C52B ver:1211  usb:0/140000/0/9/4/2/4
23:27:55.457 (reboot 9): Status: 1, 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, R:\Temp\arduino_build_8523\, SerialTest2.ino.hex
23:27:55.457 (reboot 9): status read, retry 2
23:27:55.457 (reboot 9): Success
23:27:55.457 (reboot 9): Disconnect
23:27:55.477 (loader): remote connection 1744 closed
23:27:55.477 (loader): remote connection 1420 closed
23:27:55.739 (ports 5): nothing new, skipping HID & Ports enum
23:27:55.739 (ports 5): nothing new, skipping HID & Ports enum
23:27:56.723 (ports 5): purge, name=COM7 (Teensy 4.1) Dual Serial, loc=usb:0/140000/0/6/1/3, age=1.656 sec
23:27:57.303 (loader): redraw, image 9
23:29:18.554 (loader): Verbose Info event
23:29:36.715 (ports 10): Begin, version=1.56-beta2, high-res time
23:29:36.715 (ports 10): LoadLibrary cfgmgr32 ok
23:29:36.715 (ports 10): LoadLibrary ntdll ok
23:29:36.718 (ports 10): callback 0024
23:29:36.718 (ports 10): callback 0081
23:29:36.720 (ports 10): callback 0083
23:29:36.720 (ports 10): hWnd = 1706662
23:29:36.723 (loader): remote connection 1736 opened
23:29:36.736 (ports 10): nothing new, skipping HID & Ports enum
Last edited:
Third time: Teensy getting Programmed - this time a button push - and all Teensy I/O goes offline: USB and Button HID.

Plugged in a SFun Redboard and it chimmed in and then out multiple times no problem.

Even pushing button on T_4.1 got no PC response and no RED LED until computer ( win 11 ) restarted. Then all is well and normal for some time.
> Note the running Teensy's are mostly doing the SerialTest2 these days - so unceasing full speed Serial.print blocks - but it is UPLOAD that suddenly takes them ALL away.

Will watch for it again and see if I can gather more details. Did add test of Redboard - but it was on alternate HUB on diff PC USB port.
Exploring windows 11 on a computer that in theory should not support it ...

Teensy 3.6 online, IDE 1.8.16, teensyduino 1.56-beta2

ever tried to run T4.x with reduced (12 Mbit/s) USB speed?
IMHO, Teensy USB stack may not be most robust implementation.

edit: uncommenting
USB1_PORTSC1 |= USB_PORTSC1_PFSC; // force 12 Mbit/sec
in usb.c
ever tried to run T4.x with reduced (12 Mbit/s) USB speed?
IMHO, Teensy USB stack may not be most robust implementation.

edit: uncommenting
USB1_PORTSC1 |= USB_PORTSC1_PFSC; // force 12 Mbit/sec
in usb.c

I have not tried that. Current testing is trying to USB print at fastest possible 480 Mbps speeds to find a bottleneck repro case.

This didn't happen at all the first days of testing this - even with overnight runs of three T_4.1's each pushing about 195 Mbps usable.

Last failure was with a single unit and only 15 hours after a restart, and wasn't even running most of that time.

It has been up 26 hours now and not had any continuous runs - and only one active so far - and all is well ...

About to logoff for the day ... will start three copies of the curren trunning for fun.

RAN the SeriaTest2 output echoed to RAMDRIVE file and after about 100 faulty groups - the rest finished perfectly again, but that can only handle a couple of GB.

Not wanting to thrash the SSD - so ran 2.5 GB to HDD - and FINDSTR must have 2 BG limit so had to spilt the file - about 80 seconds worth.

The 2,000,000 Byte portion held 499 groups - the first 108 has misses - and I see there were 4 in the rest of the 391 groups of 3,803,648 Bytes - with the EXE just pulling the bytes looking for newline as Frank originally wrote it.

The 4 fails are probably HDD write speed? As long as the data is parsed fast enough - all seems properly handled. But that is good to Disk file or DOS box screen print using one line per 100,096 transfers for status. Trying to print them all on screen skips badly as noted.
I do hope FrequencyCount is going to reappear in the examples, preferably with the timing constraints eliminated! Please.
I do hope FrequencyCount is going to reappear in the examples, preferably with the timing constraints eliminated!

I don't understand. FreqCount is still included with the installer. Its 3 examples should still be in the Examples menu.

Not sure what timing constraint you're talking about. On each Teensy model, that library can count at fast as the external clocking of hardware timers allows.
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