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  • R
    I use an Arduino MEGA as a Motion Controller for a CNC Machine and use Port Manipulation to set all the Pins on a Port at the same time for precise Movement of multiple Motors at the same time. I’ve found examples of setting a Single Pin on the...
  • KurtE
    Not sure, might be interesting to try... Although my goal here is to use the same wiring to support as many of the Arduino/Arducam/Adafruit/Waveshare cameras that have the same breakout pinout. If my main goal is to support the 4 bit HM01b0 on...
  • KurtE
    KurtE reacted to jmarsh's post in the thread New Camera Library for Teensy Micromod/4.1 with Like Like.
    Couldn't you just connect each input pin twice (in the order 32103210) and pretend it's regular 8-bit?
  • J
    Couldn't you just connect each input pin twice (in the order 32103210) and pretend it's regular 8-bit?
  • M
    Edited link above.
  • K
    This link doesn't seem to work.
  • M
    More info here:-
  • T
    I had that same thought and tried that before posting here. Sadly it didn't make any difference :-/
  • N
    With help from the fine folks here, I was able to get TOSLINK in/out to work with a teensy 4.1. It is a "man in the middle" between source and amp and can apply filters/effects to the audio. Works quite well.
  • houtson
    houtson reacted to Pio's post in the thread Stereo guitar/bass cabinet emulation with Like Like.
    Boards arrived, now let's hope there will be no or minimal need for bodges.
  • J
    jvphotog reacted to Pio's post in the thread Stereo guitar/bass cabinet emulation with Like Like.
    Boards arrived, now let's hope there will be no or minimal need for bodges.
  • R
    Rezo reacted to KurtE's post in the thread New Camera Library for Teensy Micromod/4.1 with Like Like.
    Soon I will be out again doing more yard/garden work... But thought I would mention that I wanted to get all of the cameras to work on T4.1 on the CSI pins, that worked on the Micromod with FlexIO. The main problem child is the Arducam HM01b0...
  • E
    Doodling around with and pasting in the above MultMatrices, accumulating into a local variable does seem to matter; without that you do get an unnecessary write to ram inside the inner loop, that doesnt go away with...
  • C
    Chris O. reacted to sicco's post in the thread U2 and D4 hot, 3.3v shorted to GND with Love Love.
    Hey Unhappyman, are you still unhappyWithoutU4? That U4 would be the first one I would unsolder to see if the 3v3 short disappears.
  • E
    Hello, Band limited waveforms requires more CPU. I don't know about memory. But for sure you must try larger buffer as Rolfdegen suggests. I am pretty sure it is going to make it. You should also use pointers to a manipulate voices, so easier...
  • T
    toyosm reacted to Pio's post in the thread Stereo guitar/bass cabinet emulation with Like Like.
    Boards arrived, now let's hope there will be no or minimal need for bodges.
  • S
    Is this from the TeensyDMX library? If so, you could use the example’s structure and most of the code and adapt a different underlying DMX library.
  • S
    shawn reacted to Thundercat's post in the thread New Teensy 4.0 Suddenly Not Recognized with Like Like.
    Hi h4yn0nnym0u5e, That is very helpful. I really appreciate you sharing your experience, and the link. I'm blown away at how awesome you all are, and how great the forum is. Teensy is much more than a product - it's a legend, with caring people...
  • KurtE
    KurtE reacted to mjs513's post in the thread Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true with Like Like.
    Oh just one more thing, Would be nice if you could maybe substitute a couple 5v pins for the 3.3v pins. Would make it easier when creating a shield.
  • mjs513
    mjs513 reacted to KurtE's post in the thread New Camera Library for Teensy Micromod/4.1 with Like Like.
    Soon I will be out again doing more yard/garden work... But thought I would mention that I wanted to get all of the cameras to work on T4.1 on the CSI pins, that worked on the Micromod with FlexIO. The main problem child is the Arducam HM01b0...
  • KurtE
    Soon I will be out again doing more yard/garden work... But thought I would mention that I wanted to get all of the cameras to work on T4.1 on the CSI pins, that worked on the Micromod with FlexIO. The main problem child is the Arducam HM01b0...
    • 1715526069318.png
  • T
    I've just been working on my own phone, have you set the volume on the SGT15000 object? Or if you have, set that to a higher value? i.e. AudioControlSGTL5000 sgt15000; sgt15000_1.enable(); sgt15000_1.inputSelect(AUDIO_INPUT_MIC)...
  • S
    Don't do a waveform.begin() when you haven't changed the shape. The non-band-limited shapes don't appear to do much, but the band-limited ones have some initialisation code which you're repeatedly calling, probably very fast. In general, I'd say...
  • P
    Pio replied to the thread Stereo guitar/bass cabinet emulation.
    Boards arrived, now let's hope there will be no or minimal need for bodges.
    • TGX4pcb3.jpg
  • E
    I guess slapping a restrict keyword on all input arguments, on top of explicitly accumulating in a local variable, would be good practice to make sure the compiler doesnt get any silly ideas in its head.
  • K
    Thanks all for your input. I'll do some breadboarding and see if I can get something to work.
  • E
    I'd be tempted to be suspicious about C not being accumulated in a local variable first and the compiler being forced to be Nazi about thread safety and refusing to optimize the multiple writes away... But given the similarity to the library code...
  • E
    Ah no I mixed the op count and mem count derp. If it's in DTCM im a little stumped. What I recall from the m7 docs the fmadd should be able to be executed every cycle with a pipeline depth of 3. In-between that and having two banks of TCM...
  • J
    How do you figure that? I don't think it's anywhere close to 512KB. The default linker script always uses the top of DTCM for the stack. If someone was using anything else then they'd be silly not to include that information in their post.
  • E
    From what I can quickly Google that seems to depend on compiler/linker flags?
  • E
    Ah interesting. In the 16x16 case we have more than half an mb of ram tho so they can't all be in TCM. Yet the flops per cycle stays roughly constant. Perhaps C drops out of TCM and since it only needs writing to it doesn't stall the pipeline...
  • J
    All of the arrays are on the stack which is (D)TCM.
  • mjs513
    Oh just one more thing, Would be nice if you could maybe substitute a couple 5v pins for the 3.3v pins. Would make it easier when creating a shield.
  • E
    Doing some back of the envelope math; 40ms for 256x4x4x1000=4M fmadds, 0.1G fmadd per second; or about 6 core clock ticks per fmadd. That's... Not horrendous for a naive for loop, frankly. And I do think it's the lack of TCM use here which is the...
  • mjs513
    mjs513 reacted to Dogbone06's post in the thread Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true with Like Like.
    The idea is to make the gen5 to have the pins needed, then from that I have already planned to make a shield for the two screens that @Rezo has in his possesion. Other shields can be done by you guys as well. And of course the Gerber files and...
  • E
    If I had to guess the main factor limiting performance here is the access to B; it isn't accessed in a contiguous fashion; so even if data caching is enabled which I'm not sure it is, it would still not do much good. Without caching, and no...
  • KurtE
    KurtE reacted to Dogbone06's post in the thread Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true with Like Like.
    The idea is to make the gen5 to have the pins needed, then from that I have already planned to make a shield for the two screens that @Rezo has in his possesion. Other shields can be done by you guys as well. And of course the Gerber files and...
  • wwatson
    wwatson reacted to mjs513's post in the thread Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true with Like Like.
    Would agree as long as the edge pin connectors are suitable to add a adapter on top it would be better. This is the adapter I made for the sdram board (note positions are off for the display and camera - have to move them fo the next iteration).
  • M
    Search for AudioMemoryUsageMax and AudioProcessorUsageMax for examples of logging memory and CPU usage. Band limiting consumes more resources (quite a lot more) than the plain waveform generation, so be suspicious of running out of CPU, not just...
  • h4yn0nnym0u5e
    Don't do a waveform.begin() when you haven't changed the shape. The non-band-limited shapes don't appear to do much, but the band-limited ones have some initialisation code which you're repeatedly calling, probably very fast. In general, I'd say...
  • M
    For 3.3V use try 240R and 120R for the divider. However this might be pushing T4 pins rather hard as they have limited current drive. A better solution might be this which only loads the pins with 7mA ohms, not 9mA, and relies on the receiver's...
    • P1050764.JPG
  • h4yn0nnym0u5e
    Hi h4yn0nnym0u5e, That is very helpful. I really appreciate you sharing your experience, and the link. I'm blown away at how awesome you all are, and how great the forum is. Teensy is much more than a product - it's a legend, with caring people...
  • Rolfdegen
    I also think there is not enough audio buffer for 8 voices. I would try it at 64. FLASHMEM void setup() { // init Hardware ------------------------------------------------------ Serial.begin(19200); .... // init Audio buffer...
  • TomChiron
    There should be an example in the Teensyduino under Audio about CPU and memory usage (I am not at my PC right now to check the exact name).
  • D
    The idea is to make the gen5 to have the pins needed, then from that I have already planned to make a shield for the two screens that @Rezo has in his possesion. Other shields can be done by you guys as well. And of course the Gerber files and...
  • J
    That ePanorama PDF has the simplest circuit you could use: The capacitor gets rid of the DC offset. The resistors are based on 5V input (from a CD-ROM) so the values may need to be adjusted down a little bit but there's a pretty good chance...
    • TTL_to_SPDIF.png
  • S
    Thanks - here is the full code. I'm absolutely not a code person, this is all quite new to me. I just set out to create a small, 6 knob synth with some preset sounds I like, and knobs to get some variety, where in the future I can change around...
  • PaulS
    Attached are 2 documents that might be interesting to you. Paul
  • J
    As KurtE said, it sounds like all you need are the high-level PWM function calls, which you can read about on the pjrc tutorial pages ( It's definitely better to generate the PWM entirely in hardware...
  • B
    Guessing the example code USBProWidget.ino was meant to run on a Teensy and won't run on an Arduino Mega but thought I'd ask. Spent 20 minutes trying to get it to go on the Mega but had a bunch of errors from libs they couldn't be found but...